
Essay Decision In Paradise

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Decisions in Paradise As stated in Decisions in Paradise I, Kava has struggled with many obstacles that have prevented this country from becoming a beautiful and a well- known paradise attraction. At this portion of the project, AJA Consulting Firm would like to continue our vision by establishing a greater presence in Kava. Critical thinking is an important part of the decision making process which is essential to ensure decisions are well thought out and possibly prevent individuals from making bad decisions or mistakes that could be costly and in some instances, deadly. No matter what kind of decision an individual makes critical thinking is a very useful tool. Our proposal will display critical thinking skills learned and present …show more content…

The most important goal is to have a majority, if not all, of the stakeholders in agreement with the final assessment. From reviewing the stakeholders' analysis, the project stakeholders are considered important players whom are supporters of the project. The stakeholders are predicted as being unbiased but if they see that the risks are too high, perhaps the opponents may be influenced to change their decisions. AJA Consulting Firm is not only working for the island of Kava, but for the stakeholders as well. The United States is a country that provides more freedom. Individuals have to be careful not to act like they are boasting about how much better US citizens are because this may disrespect the people. If this happens then the stakeholders may end up losing the project and a large amount of money; which could mean our vision would be lost. Our research must provide the stakeholders answers to these issues to help reduce the level of concern for the project. From a stakeholders perspective this is a huge chance for growth of the company. If AJA Consulting Firm succeeds then many other chances like this may take place and in turn become more of an international company than just a company based in the United States. Research has been used to acknowledge the large amounts of disasters which appear to be the root of the problems because of the results that have been observed.

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