
Definition Essay About Love

Decent Essays

Love. How can we be sure that we really can love someone? In this essay I will be talking about what love to me means, looking at two different types of love and breaking those different types of love for 1 paragraph each love. Love to me is when two people that just by looking at each other you know there is a spark somewhere. You’re are speechless and you know that you can tell always them anything. They always know the right words to say that will always make you smile and anyways will make you smile no matter what. When you can talk for hours and nothing will get boring. That’s what I think love is. There are two types of love I will be talking about in my essay, one is conditional love and the other is unconditional love. Then expanding them in the following paragraphs. …show more content…

The opposite of love is hatred. Conditional love comes from character and focuses on someone like a romantic partner, child, parent, or friend or something like a house, a car, or a job. When we love someone conditionally, we end to look, act and think in ways that fit our own patterns and expectations. If they act the way we want the to, we express our approval; if they act hostile to our wishes, we withhold our expression of acceptance of them, usually in anger. Having “chemistry” with to find someone that you have a special feeling for, which leads to “falling in love” is an expression to show that your love for that person is passionate between a romantic relationship. This love is what people think about on the

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