
Definition Essay On Full Measure

Decent Essays

According to the Merriam Webster’s dictionary, a mogul is “a person of rank, power, or influence in a particular field.”(Merriam Webster Dictionary) Based on my research, most simply defined, a mogul is someone who is great! So if you are a “Mogul in the Making,” you are someone who is great, and in the process of developing that greatness, so it can be seen and experienced by others in its full measure. With that said, I want you to consider the idea of “full measure.” To reach “full measure” is to reach the fullness of your potential, but here is the problem, many are settling for good and never quite making it to great! They are settling for “some measure,” and forfeiting their full measure. So I want to start off by saying that those who …show more content…

My answer always consists of two words; fulfilled purpose! A person’s success cannot be measured by anything or anyone outside of that. The way you can determine if a person, place or thing is successful, is to consider whether or not he, she or it has fulfilled the purpose for which they were created. A refrigerator is successful if it keeps food fresh during its expected life span, a piano is successful when it’s played, a heart is successful when it beats, and the list goes on. So I want you to understand that your success is not based on how far you go across the world, how many people you impact, how much money you make, or how popular you become. Your success is determined by whether or not you fulfilled your purpose in its fullness. It is very important we understand this, because if we attempt to measure success by any other means, we will either come up short of believing we are successful, or stop ourselves short because we have wrongly measured. If God created you to sing, write, play the guitar, and be a doctor, you aren’t successful because you become a rock start and sell a million albums. You are successful when you become a faithful steward and do what God created you to …show more content…

You know to be prayerful and careful about who you share that information with during the initial stages, so now let’s move on to another question, “What if I feel God has spoken to me do something that I don’t know how to do or am not qualified to do by typical educational or even intellectual standards?” Well honey, join the club! God is just that awesome! It wasn’t long after I came to Christ, that I became acquainted with a scripture in the Bible, which is now one of my favorites, that states that God actually and very intentionally chooses to use foolish things and unexpected people to display His glory through. Let’s have a

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