
Definition Essay: What Is A Friend?

Decent Essays

What Is A Friend? In our modern society, the term, ‘friend’, has been commonly used so much that it has almost lost its meaning. According to a standard dictionary, a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard is what you’d call a friend. But that’s not the case according to people these days, especially teens, we call anyone a friend as long as they’ve done something that has benefited us. No really though, we give someone a pencil, they’re your friend now, you save them from getting in trouble, they are your friend now. Which in some cases is a good thing but at other times, you just involuntarily got yourself a friend that you can’t get rid of. So, this paper sums up the three types of friendship that hold …show more content…

Yes, ever since we were young, we’ve been told not to talk to people on the internet because they could be liars and ruin your life, but what we haven’t been told is that sometimes they turn out to be some of the best people we’ll ever come across. It’s strange to have a friend that you’ve never hugged, shook hands with or even physically seen but you have been touched by their soul, felt by their heart and definitely have been embraced by the warmth of their being. I feel like these kind of friends are the ones that everyone should at least have once in their lifetime because it’s hard to find someone that truly appreciates your existence no matter what your body size is, what your height is and, most importantly, what you look like. Furthermore, these people are friends with you because they genuinely like you, not because they can use you in any way or because they want something from you, they are in it for the long run. I can also say that I trust these people more than anyone because while everyone in real life care about the gossip, these people actually care about you and your problems. Now that I think about, I think the biggest lie my parents ever told me is, strangers on the internet are bad but man were they wrong, talking to strangers on the internet was the best decision of my

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