The first habit, is all about being proactive. “What does being proactive even mean?”, you might be asking. Well, being proactive means being proactive means solving a problem before it's even created, it means getting ahead, and thinking of the future. Many people get stuck in this curse called ‘procrastination’, don’t let the name fool you, it's really easy to get out of this curse and get your life on track. As my Mentor (Mr. Dufford, president of Altech Machining INC.) said, “Procrastination is about as ‘polar opposite’ to being proactive. Waiting & reacting to situations that arise usually leads to not so favorable decisions because you are forced to do something with less time to think it through.” I couldn’t agree more, it's always best to be ahead than fall behind.
Some ways to help you be more proactive. Start simple, like simply doing your homework or doing your chores instead of playing video games. Take responsibility for your actions. Remember, if you don’t do your school work, you will not graduate, and if you don’t graduate, you won’t have a job, and with no job, well… you’re screwed. But it doesn’t have to be that way, only you can make a difference in
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It's really straightforward, everybody has goals, but in this habit, you need to write your goals down. As it stated in the book (7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens) writing your goals down can have a huge impact. It states that writing your goals down can help you notice more ways to accomplish your goal, or more tools to use to get there. It also might help discover some new talents of yours. Also, take advantage of the tools you have right now, go over your list of goals every week, and well, just do it. You should also work on turning weaknesses into strengths, work on things that you’re not particularly good at. Because they might come in handy in the future. And remember to always have a backup plan just in case something goes
If you do not set goals or achievements for yourself then, you will not be successful in life. One major goal that I set for myself is to be elected at the ROTC program at Colts Neck High School. Unfortunately, it will not be an easy goals to achieve. It is going to a long bumpy ride until I reach my destination. However, if I study hard, complete all of my school assignments, and get antoshining grades then, I can find a shortcut to make this ride shorter and maybe even smoother after all. Also, participation is one of the main keys to achieving this goal. I make sure that I participate in class and in after school activities such as track and field and basketball because then my teachers and my coach could recommend me. This single goal persily will overall make me smarter and a hardworking student by the end of the year.
The first habit was about being proactive which means going out doing things like working hard on school assignments or work.To be proactive is a big thing in life like being successful and working hard it can help you work anywhere if you're successful and not giving up on life. I think that this habit is very important in life and people without it are nothing because being proactive helps you move up in life. When you’re being proactive, you are one step ahead. You are trying to prevent problems from ever arising and if/when a problem does arise, you are prepared to tackle it. When you’re proactive, you are making things happen for yourself, rather than waiting around for things to happen to you.I will use it by being proactive playing sports includes being nice people and socializing in a good way, that habit means a lot of things and also this habit can help in a lot of ways.
Make sure each goal has a priority that way your goal isn't to overwhelming for you. Make realistic goals, make your own goals. If someone puts goals on you they may be unrealistic because those goals are based on what they
Habit one, be proactive, is about having a “can do” attitude and not being reactive. Habit one explains what being proactive is and what being reactive is. Being proactive is about more than taking initiative. It is recognizing that we are responsible for our own choices, and we have the freedom to choose based on principles and values rather than on moods or conditions. Proactive people choose not to be victims, to be reactive, or to blame others. Habit one comes first because it is the key to unlocking all the other habits. Being proactive is about taking responsibility and not blaming others. Applying habit one helps us with being less reactive and more proactive in your life.
I feel that a variety of students also struggle with these bad habits each day. No one is perfect, but with the help of Peterson’s research, one can motivate themselves mentally. Not only can they do this by writing down their goals, but also putting them to practice. It may not be easy at first, but writing down some short and long term goals can keep one to stay in school and work hard. An important idea to remember from the article is writing down thoughts and emotions helps one to be less stressed. Putting Jordan Peterson’s research to practice as schools will benefit each student to achieve academic
The first habit portrayed in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is Be Proactive. Being proactive means taking responsibility of your life and thinking before you act. As the book states, Proactive people are aware that “they can’t control everything that happens to them, but they can control what they do about it.” The opposite of being proactive is being reactive, which is what the book is trying to steer you away from. Reactive people act on feelings and don’t take the time to assess the situation. This habit has taught me that how you react to situations determines the outcome. Even if the situation is negative, if you are proactive and have a good, responsible
The problem is that I procrast when it come with school and work.In the past year I didnt do well in this same class end of having to drop the class in the main reason why is because I would wait last minture to do the work or go online. It cause me to be late and I tuned in the assessment last minute. I wait last minute to do everything. My hypotheses is if you follow these easy step you wouldn 't procurator anymore.The methods and steps I use to help me with my stop procrastination is write down my work on a calendar. Break my work into little steps. Then change the area i 'm in if it 's loud ,and I cannot stay focus ; I would go somewhere quiet , so I can get the work done . Most of the time it 's the library for me because it 's so quiet in the library. Create a goal a timeline with deadlines about the work. Eliminate my procrastination pit-stops which mean to us young adults election deceive anything that stop me from doing my work is a pit-stop. Get a friend that inspire to who is going to take action and help you not procurator which its my girlfriend. Ask for help if you stuck on something don 't wait last minute ask your teacher or friend. Write your goals on something look at it everyday. If you want to get this work done write it down look at it everyday until it is finish. Finally Just do it don 't wait
These two habits mentioned above are the most noticeable habits made during my college life. I could find their interesting effects and results brought in my life and now I can’t sustain a good life without them. I look forward to making more great and positive habits in the future. I am also pretty these great habits will lead to bright future I have never
But the reason behind why I want to improve this goal right now is because once you are used to a habit it is very hard to get away from it. My strategies in achieving these goals are: by writing things down, making schedules and deadlines and always giving everything a home, for example putting a pencil or USB where they belong. In addition, after achieving this goal I believe that it will make me a better learner for example, I will have more time for myself, my friends and my family, I will achieve balance in my life and improve my professional life.
Habit 2:Begin with the End in Mind was probably the habit that hit home most for me. Like most teens I was struggling with my priorities. I have to
First, setting goals can be very helpful during your high school career. You’ll have a mindset that most kids your age won’t have. For example set goals like getting an A on my next test and/ or mastering my jump shot. After, setting these goals you should try to accomplish them. Soon, you will be able to make new goals.
In the following sentences, the habits are told in order. Habit one stands for proactivity, taking responsibility for your actions and life. The second habit, beginning with the end in mind, means that throughout life, people should know what they want and have a plan, whether or not it is something small or a bigger goal. Habit three is all about prioritizing and putting the important things first so that they do not become so urgent in the future. The first three habits are all about oneself and one 's “self-victory”. “Before winning in the public arenas of life, one must first
Habit 1 : Be Proactive. The Habit of Personal Vision. According to Covey, this habit reflects our innate ability to take charge of our lives. We are not simply products of in-grained stimulus- response reflexes. We have the ability to take charge, plan ahead, and focus our energies on things we can control instead of reacting to or worrying about things over which we have little or no control. This habit allows us to rise above the ebbs and flows of the tides of our day-to-day lives and direct our lives.
This habit is about prioritizing, planning, and executing a week 's tasks based on importance rather than urgency. It requires that I evaluate whether or not my efforts exemplify my desired character values, propel me towards my goals, and enrich the roles and relationships discussed in Habit 2.
My outside of school goals are to go outside more, save up money, and to chew more gum. I chose those going outside more because i remembered that when i was smaller i used to hang out with my friends outside but now we never do. My second goal is to save up some money to have just in case i need it for a particular reason and i want to use the money to buy some gum because i love gum. My last goal is to chew more gum i want to chew more gum because i always used to chew gum but now i never do so this semester i want to start chewing more gum but not in school.