
Definition Of A Lazy Lister

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A Lazy Lister is a Real Estate Agent, REALTOR ™, or Broker who has NOT put in maximum effort or taken advantage of every tool, technical platform, and opportunity to market their clients’ property to sell in a minimum timeframe for a maximum price. Lazy Listers cost their clients money. A lot of money!

You may have already experienced the work of a Lazy Lister without realizing it. How many times, while looking at homes online, have you seen listings with so few photos you can’t event tell if you like the property. Or, perhaps you drove by a home with a yard sign and called for more information. You may have either not received a reply - or you received a reply so late you forgot which home you called about …show more content…

From $5000 vacant lots to million-dollar luxury homes. I continue to be surprised by how many luxury homes I see being dramatically under-marketed by Lazy Listers.

The problem is lack of awareness in the marketplace. Lazy Listers continue to exist because homeowners have not been given the questions to ask of, or shown what to look for in, a listing agent. As a result, there is a lower bar of expectation that listing agents have to reach and they get away with putting in less effort than is needed to sell your home for the highest price possible.

According to a report by The Texas Association of Realtors, TAR, 79% of homeowners surveyed contacted one agent in the hiring process. This creates a non-competitive environment for real estate agents and promotes laziness.

(insert graphic pg 188 of report)

I have compiled this checklist to provide homeowners, like you, with the basic services you should expect from a professional agent to avoid hiring a Lazy Lister. When you know what you should be given in the form of quality of work and effort by a listing agent, you can confidently interview several agents until you find one that you know will not be a Lazy Lister.

Signs of a Lazy Lister

Too Few Photos- This is one of the biggest complaints I hear from homebuyers shopping online. The maximum number of photos that can be posted is 40. There is always something that can be photographed to meet the maximum. I

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