
Essay on Deities of Greek Mythology

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Gods and goddesses in mythology are used in allusions and often referred to in our daily lives, but do we truly understand them? We may not understand how or why they look the way they do, how they behave, what they are capable of accomplishing, or how they interacted with humans. These super-beings of extremely high status were the heart and soul of prayers and explanations of natural phenomena. They had a variety of natures and were represented in a variety of ways, by different religions. To start, physical features and behaviours are crucial to the representations of gods and goddesses. When believers pray for material or emotional gain, they must have something to pray to - a statue or item that can represent the god or goddess to …show more content…

The gods behaved as do humans: they loved, they got married, they had children, they despised, they punished, et cetera. As such, they had the same physical features as humans as well. They were bipedal, had two arms, a head with a human face, genitals; the basic shape of humans. They were depicted with various items to help distinguish between different gods and goddesses. For instance, the Apollo statue at the ROM, was distinguished by the lyre that he held, for he is the god of music. He looked like a regular human being, save for his outfit1. Humans gave gods human forms and emotions simply because it helped everything make sense; the feelings and moods of the gods provided an explanation to phenomena that could now be comprehended scientifically. Secondly, it is only ideal that divine beings have divine powers and incredible abilities. Most powers are common to all gods, while others are unique to each individual god. Almost all gods have the ability to change their appearance. In the Greek myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha, Zeus changed his appearance to disguise himself as a beggar in order to test the hospitality of humans. He was denied hospitality everywhere he went, except at the house of

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