
Delta Air Pollution

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The most polluted cities of the U.S are in California. One of these cities is Los Angeles and Long Beach. Ports significantly contributes to regional air pollution. Vast amounts of air pollution that affect the health of workers and people living in nearby is caused by diesel engines which power ships, trucks, trains, and cargo-handling equipment. “In the Los Angeles area, oceangoing ships, harbor tugs, and commercial boats such as passenger ferries emit many times more smog-forming pollutants than all power plants in the Southern California region combined” (Harboring Pollution p3).
In addition, diesel exhaust increases cancer risks, and a 2000 California study found that “diesel exhaust is responsible for 70 percent of the cancer risk from air pollution” (vi). In fact, recent studies have linked diesel exhaust with asthma. Major air pollutants from diesel engines at ports that can affect human health include; particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur oxides (SOx). (Harboring Pollution) …show more content…

Communities near ports face extremely high health risks from “associated air pollution”. Many of these areas are low- income communities of color which raises environmental justice concerns. The health effects of pollution from ports may include asthma, other respiratory diseases, cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and premature death. In fact, many studies have shown that children living near busy diesel trucking routes are more likely to suffer from asthma, wheezing, bronchitis, and allergies. This causes an increase in school absences and emergency room visits. Besides causing health issues, ports often refuse to share critical information about possible effects of port operations to the communities. (Harboring

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