The most polluted cities of the U.S are in California. One of these cities is Los Angeles and Long Beach. Ports significantly contributes to regional air pollution. Vast amounts of air pollution that affect the health of workers and people living in nearby is caused by diesel engines which power ships, trucks, trains, and cargo-handling equipment. “In the Los Angeles area, oceangoing ships, harbor tugs, and commercial boats such as passenger ferries emit many times more smog-forming pollutants than all power plants in the Southern California region combined” (Harboring Pollution p3).
In addition, diesel exhaust increases cancer risks, and a 2000 California study found that “diesel exhaust is responsible for 70 percent of the cancer risk from air pollution” (vi). In fact, recent studies have linked diesel exhaust with asthma. Major air pollutants from diesel engines at ports that can affect human health include; particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur oxides (SOx). (Harboring Pollution)
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Communities near ports face extremely high health risks from “associated air pollution”. Many of these areas are low- income communities of color which raises environmental justice concerns. The health effects of pollution from ports may include asthma, other respiratory diseases, cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and premature death. In fact, many studies have shown that children living near busy diesel trucking routes are more likely to suffer from asthma, wheezing, bronchitis, and allergies. This causes an increase in school absences and emergency room visits. Besides causing health issues, ports often refuse to share critical information about possible effects of port operations to the communities. (Harboring
Pollution continues to pose an enormous threat to residents of urban cities worldwide. In the August 2008 Monthly Update, it is stated that approximately 800,000 deaths each year can be attributed to outdoor air pollution, making pollution the single most harmful environmental hazard to human health in urban areas (Kallman). The fact that pollution kills hundreds of thousands of people each year alone portrays just how dangerous living in these conditions can be. Kallman writes about a study which proves an increase in upper respiratory diseases, cardiovascular mortality, respiratory mortality, and low birth weights when exposed to air pollutants (August 2008: Monthly Update). These can be very serious diseases and complications which, when contracted, can lead to death or very serious illnesses. There
As a result of EPA regulations, today’s diesel engines are more efficient than ever before seen in large and midsized trucks. Certain regulations restrict truck owners from using certain truck models, because of excess diesel emission. Increasing drastically as technology improves, cars and trucks produce less and less diesel exhausts and emissions. “But because diesel engines can operate for 30 years or more, millions of older, dirtier engines are still in use,” (Epa.Gov). Reducing exposure to diesel exhaust from these engines is especially important for the preservation of human health and the environment. According to the EPA, the United States Environmental Protection Agency,
The most prominent example of this is Salt Lake City. It is the largest city in Utah, and it is also the most polluted. This is a problem for the citizens of Salt Lake City. The levels of pollution there have more frequently reached unhealthy levels in recent years. This creates a serious health risk to both those with breathing problems and those who are perfectly healthy. “For the last few years, [Salt Lake City] has been grappling with one of the nation's most vexing pollution problems, where atmospheric inversions during the winter months lead to a thick fog of dirty air cloaking the region.” (Seen) It is a severe problem that has only gotten worse with time. Just last year, Salt Lake
The production of services and goods is the leading source of air pollution in the United States, according to the website, Cleaner and Greener, because of the en-ergy it takes for the production and delivery of those goods and services. In DFW however the leading cause of air pollution is
In Shreveport, LA, many residents suffer from respiratory issues that they believe are caused by the local refinery, Calumet (Moskowitz). Residents have suffered for generations losing family members to cancer that they believe is brought on by pollution that the refinery emits. Some residents suffer lesser but chronic health issues ranging from minor respiratory issues like asthma to blood clots in their lungs. “Calumet denies that its refinery is the cause of any of these health issues” (Moskowitz). Many chemicals that are released by refineries can cause respiratory problems, cancer, nerve damage, and in some cases even death. There is no absolute way to be sure that all health problems happening near Calumet are caused by the pollution that it emits, but it could be a contributing factor in worsening symptoms. A resident of Marrero, LA, a town south of Norco refining, stated that they could not leave their house due to excess levels of pollution triggering asthma attacks (Ludwig). Sulfur dioxide is a known chemical that can trigger asthma attacks, it is also one of the many harmful chemicals that can be released by refineries (Sturgis). Refineries will measure levels of emissions when there is a chemical spill, so they know almost exactly how much pollution they have emitted. Minor incidents are not always reported or are under reported, but they can have the same damaging effects on the environment and the overall health of the community (Sturgis). “LABB’s reports confirms what workers and residents have known for years-petrochemical companies to often skirt the laws for reporting serious incidents”
All combustion engines release pollutants that damage the atmosphere like carbon dioxide and other gases. Nora states that Diesel engines emit black carbon which is worse than any other version of carbon dioxide. That black carbon can really harm the health of people because when it is deeply inhaled it can trigger asthma attacks and exacerbate chronic bronchitis. The international agency for cancer research has labeled the particles of black carbon carcinogenic. This explains how diesel exhausts are harmful to the environment and the people and animals that live in it. This proves that the diesel engines are not the way of the future unless they find a way to clean up the emissions that diesel engines
Los Angeles is one of the biggest cities with pollution and according to the LA Times, Los Angeles has again reached the list of the cities with the strong worst smog in the nation by violating federal health standards for ozone an average of 122 days a year (Barboza). Bonnie Holmes-Gen, a senior policy director of the American Lung Assn. in California said that air pollution in Los Angeles its literally putting the health of its people in danger (Barboza).
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways. This occurs when the airflow is obstructed. Asthma affects people of both genders, all races and age. Asthma existed in ancient Egypt times and possibly even before that. (Crosta, 2000, p. 2) Asthma had been on the decline up until 2001 (Asthma In The U.S., 2011). In 2001, one out of every fourteen people had asthma. Since then asthma has been on a gradual incline. In 2009, one in every 12 people now had asthma (Asthma Statistics, 2013). This means 25 million people in the United States are living with asthma. More and more people are dying every day because of asthma. Scientists are trying to figure out why asthma has been increasing in the
Hazards and pollutants are apparent in a variety of outcomes. Possible outcomes include asthma, cancer and chemical poisoning (Gee and Payne-Sturges 2004: 1647). Furthermore, “Although debated, the main hypothesis explaining these disparities is that disadvantaged communities encounter greater exposure to environmental toxins such as air pollution, pesticides, and lead” (Gee and Payne-Sturges 2004: 1647). Therefore, disadvantaged groups, such as people of color and the poor, experience greater environmental risks. Additionally, “Blacks in particular are exposed to a disproportionate amount of pollution and suffer the highest levels of lead and pesticide poisoning and other associated health problems” (Jones and Rainey 2006: 474). People of color, essentially, compete to live healthily. For example, African-Americans and Africans alike, struggle with the negative affects of oil refineries and unresponsive governments. The same can be said for Hispanics in California and the natives of Ecuador, who are forced to cope with the pollution of the Texaco oil refineries (Bullard 2001: 4). Environmental racism not only exploits natural resources, it abuses and profits from the communities involved. Governments and polluting facilities will continue to capitalize on the economic susceptibilities of poor communities, states, nations and regions for their “unsound” and hazardous operations (Bullard 2001: 23).
Epidemiologic studies have indicated that air pollution can induce COPD exacerbations. The increased concentration of dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in particulate matter up to 10 μm in aerodynamic diameter, and black smoke particulate matter can increase respiratory mortality in patients with COPD [113, 114]. Some clinical studies showed that air pollution may account for approximately 6 to 9% of admissions, depending on the time of year [114]. Patients with COPD have also been shown to be at increased risk of death associated with urban particle air pollution [115]. Studies in vitro have shown that diesel exhaust particles stimulated production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as GM-CSF and IL-8. These cytokines may be involved
The purpose of this report is to raise awareness among the habitants of the greater city of Los Angeles, California about the health problems that air pollution causes to their lungs but also remarks a major negligence from the industries which polluted the air with a minimum remorse and causing an irreversible damage of our natural environment. By ignoring the air pollution problem we are putting in jeopardy the wellness of the general population. For these reasons we are requesting the approval of the following actions to stabilize the air quality of the city of Los Angeles.
There are two main types of air pollution, particulate matter (PM) and ozone. Particulate matter is some tiny dust. For example, according to a beam of light at night there are countless dusts floating in the air. They are particle. Ozone is an invisible chemical gas in the air. When these gas touch with light will become smog. Factory and vehicles exhaust emissions have become the largest cause of PM and ozone pollution in the United States. If a plant wants to run, they need to burn fuel to provide power; however, a lot of particulate matter will float in the air when the factory burns fuel. When people drive cars can
To a great degree the eminent problem is the air pollution we breathe. Who can help amend the air we breathe. In order to improve the quality of the air, people have to be aware of the specific mode of pollution and the effect of it. The traffic-pollution causes affliction and distress to individuals. The reason for this tragedy is due in part by every one of us. High concentration of vehicle exhausts is the main source of air pollution in urban areas. Neighborhoods in proximity to heavy traffic areas can negatively impact a community’s health conditions and outcomes. Those people that are disproportionately exposed to great levels of exhaust fumes are those who have a low socioeconomic and educational status and are part of race/ethnicity
The two biggest air pollution in California are transportation such as cars and trucks and stationary sources such as oil refineries and industry facilities. Two major pollutions are ozone and fine particulate materials. Ozone also known as smog. The cause of smog includes the automobile and industrial processes that involve combustion of fossil fuels. The products of fossil fuel consumption are sulfur dioxide, particles, ground-level ozone, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and lead. Ground-level ozone formed when nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds heat up under the sunlight to produce ozone. These petroleum-based fuels mainly come from burning fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel: pollution that comes from our power plants and industrial facilities and from the exhaust pipes of our cars, trucks, ships and trains. US air quality standard is similar to World Health Organization (WHO) air quality standard that a quarter of the pollution. However, there is a quarter of the pollution lives in the areas that do not meet the standard at all.
The amount of factories and industries has grown immensely through the previous years which has resulted in an expansion in the consumption of petroleum products. Innovation has begun to increase and has promoted the expansion of the production of cars. As stated by the Air Quality Research Center, “Air pollution is one of the most dangerous environmental problems, causing many adverse health effects and responsible for 50,000 deaths in the U.S. each year” (Air Pollution and Health – Air Quality Research Center.). The smog and