

Satisfactory Essays

The reading that stands out the most to me personally for Week 8 is ‘Dementia: stigma, language, and dementia-friendly’, because I have members in my family who suffer from severe dementia. Moreover, it relates to the issues that I discussed in my AE3 essay. Hence, I think it will be really insightful in terms of broadening the knowledge I attained whilst writing my essay. It may also inform me of ways in which some of the issues raised in my essay may be combatted, specifically the stigma associated with dementia for sufferers and their families/ caregivers, as it explores the concept of a dementia-friendly community; a resolution mentioned in many of the readings I came across during my essay research, but did not explore with depth. In addition …show more content…

This is not because I do not think the content is interesting or valuable, but because I do not have plans of being a rural health professional at the moment. Therefore, I think out of the readings for Week 8, this would be the least applicable to me in future practice. However, I do think it is useful to know how rural health professionals can aid in community health development by acting as the boundary crossers in accessing health care and health services for those living in remote areas. ¬ In the week 8 lecture slot there will be a panel discussion about Inclusive Practice with special guests from the (broadly) health services sector. Imagine you are going to be in the audience of Insight (SBS) or QandA (ABC). In preparation for the session, write down some questions that you would like to ask potential future employers about health inequity and inclusive practice. Some questions that I may ask potential future employers about health inequity and inclusive practice are: 1. What do you define to be inclusive practice? 2. What strategies would you apply in your workplace to achieve inclusive

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