
Descriptive Essay About Animals

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I was sure that when I first went to the fair, that showing animals was going to be my passion for the next ten years. It was simple, going to the fair has always been something that I have always loved, the people, the animals, and the food of course. Then something happened and fair started to get even more interesting for me. In 2007 I started showing animals at the Clark County Fair, the first year I started out with a rabbit and a turkey. I always knew I wanted to show animals I loved being around them, helping with animals any chance I could get, so I knew that when it was my turn I was going to rock it. I was so excited when I got to go see my turkey and when my rabbits got picked up and brought to my house. I finally had animals that were mine, it was time to start preparing them for fair. I would go out every day and change their water, give them feed, and clean their bedding.

I got to the fair my first year, finally this is my time I can show them what I’m all about, I start setting up my turkey pin and my rabbit pin, and I put my animals in their pins. I would come back every couple hour’s and do the same routine, feed, water, and change their bedding. Then came the big day, it was time for my first show. I was so nervous and excited at the same time, everyone was there watching me and cheering me on, my dad, mom, and sister. I was entering my first rabbit show, I had my rabbit in my hand and walked up to the cages and was asked to put my rabbit in the cage, on

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