
Descriptive Essay - Apples Are Honest

Decent Essays

Strawberries are honest By: Sara Wallon, Director, EHS I have always loved strawberries. When I was little I was always overly excited about the first flat of red, juicy berries my grandmother would bring in. However, if I turned my back on those delicious, plump, scarlet berries, even for a just a quick moment, I would come back and find the entire flat of berries hulled, cut, and sitting in sugar. It was always such a disappointment that none of those berries survived their sugary fate to shortcake. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love a good strawberry shortcake, but I have always preferred the pure sweetness of the honest strawberry. Changing directions, but not topics. I recently reviewed a safety program that claimed to Motivate People to Work Safe – this statement really puzzled me. Are there really people out there who aren’t motivated to work safely, are there people out there would who would work safely, but can’t find a compelling reason to…I mean after all, what’s in it for them? Isn’t it safe to say that workers are intrinsically motivated to work in a way that will keep them from getting killed? I think we should be mindful to the fact the primary role of the human central nervous system is to keep people from harm; it’s hard wired into our bodies to avoid things that will harm us. People are designed to keep themselves alive. So why do people behave unsafely? Lots of reasons, actually, but here are a few of what I believe are the most common: Human Error.

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