The piece of writing that I chose for my word cloud was a letter that I wrote to my cousin who lives in Armenia, persuading her to come to the United States next summer. I chose this piece of writing because my cousin has a very special place in my heart, and I am thankful that I have a figure like her in my life that I can turn to when I’m feeling down, even if she is thousands of miles away from me. In this letter, I used many names of touristic and interesting sites in the United States that I knew would greatly please her, such as the names of art museums and amusement parks. The words that outshine all of the other words in my word cloud precisely demonstrate my values; furthermore, these words exhibit the things that are most important to me in life, including my family, travel, and nature.
My word cloud seemed to describe the perfect summer when I first looked at the large, bold words on it. Although, when I looked at it more in-depth, I realized that most of the words described my family. Words such as “mother”, “parents”, and “family” made up almost half of the words in bold on my word cloud. I believe that these words accurately signal one of the things that I hold dear to my heart: my family. Ever since I was a little girl, I enjoyed the company of my parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles. Every time that my mother mentioned that we were going over to a relative’s house for a gathering or that we were having guests over, I felt a rush of excitement
As students begin school, they can begin collecting words in a notebook to create awareness that words are like treasures. Revision of words can transform a piece of competent writing into writing that is memorable and deeply moving. According to the author, the words writers choose reflect their thinking, beliefs, and feelings. If we use simple words, we will get to the point, but we won’t move the reader. When writing, we must be specific because we want our readers to feel, experience, hear, taste, and smell the same way we do it.
Workers during the gilded age were marginalized by their working conditions, low income, and limited
The beginning of the nineteenth century was also the start of a legendary movement in literature, known as Romanticism. Authors during this period created their own worlds by using their imaginations. Individuals no longer saw themselves a measure of everything around them, but rather as one more component of the great source of life and creativity: nature. The Romantics placed emphasis on emotions such as apprehension, terror, and awe as an authentic source of aesthetic experience, as well as the feelings that accompany confronting the sublimity and beauty of nature, especially. Supernatural elements are not present in all Romantic literature; however, the supernatural approach was an important and arguably crucial strategy for Romanticism to achieve its purposes.
This project is going to discuss about the Cloud Computing and its application in business. To briefly describe what cloud
Most of people believe that the only good sky is a blue sky, likes the azure lake, its peaceful, bright and secret. But I want to challenge the delusion, if we had to look up at cloudless monotony day after day, life would be dull. However, in lots of our opinions, the clouds are only the ornaments of the sky; they may make the sky more vivid. I believe that clouds are unjustly maligned. Different types of clouds bring to us various information, the clouds are not the dispensable ornaments, but the part of our life.
Over the past several years the term cloud computing has become common in homes and organizations alike. Cloud computing can be defined as a pooled set of computing resources that are furnished via the internet. There are three types of cloud services typically available, these services are Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Organizations can benefit greatly from cloud services because they eliminate the need to buy and manage physical resources. Although such an action cuts cost it leaves organization victim to the vulnerabilities and threats that exist in cloud computing. Throughout this paper I will discuss the vulnerabilities and threats that come
William Byrd and Leonardo Da Vinci and the composer and artist duo that I have chosen from the Renaissance era or music and art. As Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in a city called Vinci, Republic of Florence which today is not modern day Italy and died on May 2, 1519 at the age of 67 in the city of Amboise, Kingdom of France. Da Vinci was more known as an artist and scientist, but was also an inventor, architect, musician, mathmation, engineer, astronomy, writer, historian, and geologist. So you could say that Da Vinci was a “Renaissance man,” meaning that he was pretty much good at everything he did. Da Vinci’s most notable works of art were the “Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Vitruvian Man, and the Lady with an Ermine.” Da
wanting to send folders and multiple documents this method can become time consuming and ultimately inefficient. There is an option to zip files when emailing however this only compresses files to a point, some are still too big. An alternate way to saving on the cloud is using Google Drive, which in reality, most students at John Paul II (or at least in my year) do not have a lot of experience with, so generally do not use it. This would be able to securely store larger files. Since we cannot work on some files within the Google interface it would require the file to be downloaded each time it needs to be updated on a different computer. This is one disadvantage which is inefficient but as Google continues to develop more file types may be editable reducing this problem. Personally I prefer the USB for larger files and transferring files in general. However an issue at our school especially within the main computing room there are issues with USB’s connecting so whenever attempting to transfer data onto the school computer to work on it there is an uncertainty whether it will successfully connect or not. The benefits as mentioned above are the USB can transfer large files and load them quickly when USB is connected. An example of this is when working on the internal assessments for digital media or digital information. When working on these assignments there is often a main folder containing many sub-folders with multiple files contained within them. This type of data
Cloud computing is an internet based computing which provides various applications and services like storage, servers, infrastructure, networking with low cost, on-demand self service, pay as you go model, location independent resource pooling, reasonable price , rapid elasticity etc. Cloud computing is one way to increase the capacity add capabilities without investing in new infrastructures like computer hardware involves storage memory, licensing for new software, training for a person and in a dynamic way.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a cloud? Is it the movie Cloudy with a chance of meatballs? If you ask anyone what they think the cloud is a lot of people would probably say it’s the clouds in the sky or they would ask is it that one movie food falls from the clouds. Little do they know the thing that they store their data to is called the cloud. No, No, No the cloud isn’t on your local device. The cloud is on the internet. This means you do not need a ten-thousand-dollar computer to be able to use the cloud. You will just need half decent internet. Most people really don’t much about the cloud. They think it is magical storage that appears out of thin air. Although it would be cool to think that the cloud has magical powers and that
Term usage: In order to undergo a successful performance, an organization or association executes a proposal or a design to generate income and make a profit from the operations. This plan or design which is made by a business is known as Business model.
The dynamics of star-forming dust molecular clouds are indeed highly complex in nature. The cloud complexity appears not only because of irregular morphological kinetics of the constituent massive dust grains, but also, because of diversified nonlocal gradient forces operating on multi-parametric non-uniform domains, rich in collective degrees of freedom, actively responsible for redistribution of the cloud materials. The redistribution of the cloud material leading to the initial stage of bounded structure formation is well-known as being triggered by dynamic transport processes of mass, energy, and momentum via bimodal gravito-electrostatic instability mechanisms in partially ionized cloud plasma environs realizable in the interstellar
In today's world, there is not a device you can use that does not have or support a specific cloud. But what really is a cloud? What does it do? What is the purpose of the cloud? Well, in simple terms a cloud is a way of accessing anything that has been placed on it. In certain cases a cloud is used to it’s max when a person has multiple devices that use that one specific cloud. For example, Apple has iCloud. iCloud lets you store contacts, documents, pictures, emails, and even music on it so if you want to put your Macbook down you can pick up your iPhone and finish the task you were working on. A cloud can also be easily known as a storage unit, where you can keep information. To go into detail about clouds we must look at different
The subject I have chosen is “The Cloud”. I have chosen this subject because I love the