
Detrimental Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

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Detrimental effects of sleep deprivation Life can be quite stressful, and very tiring at times. The days can be long, and filled with many stressors. For most, these stressors include things such as work, school, and other events incorporated into an individual’s schedule. Most of these stressors are important, but they should not be taken on without the proper amount of sleep. Lack of sleep can produce an outstanding amount of negative effects on the brain and body. With the negative effects generated from sleep deprivation, certain effects on the body and brain can propagate and exponentially result in death. The body and brain depend on each other. These two entities cannot endure without one another. Both however, cannot function for long without the immune system. Sleep has a vast effect on the immune system and its ability to carry out its duties. Eric J. Olson M.D. notes, “during sleep, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines, some of which help promote sleep” (par.2). With these cytokines being produced during sleep, and promoting more sleep, it would seem as though you could very well start a domino effect. Olson also adds, “Sleep deprivation may decrease production of these protective cytokines. In addition, infection-fighting antibodies and cells are reduced during periods when you don't get enough sleep” (par.2). By increasing your chances of getting sick and also getting less sleep, lack of sleep in the beginning of this cycle spirals a series

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