
Developing Vehicular Data Cloud Services

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Wu He, Gongjun Yan, & Li Da Xu. (2014). Developing Vehicular Data Cloud Services in the IoT Environment. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 10(2), 1587–1595. The authors presented a multilayered approach to protect the vehicular data using the cloud platform and IoT technologies. The IoT platform’s functional, performance, and security requirements for hosting vehicular data in cloud based IoT platforms were discussed. The gaps in the existing security encryption algorithms and performance requirements were enumerated. The gaps mentioned in this article are already discussed in existing literature and no new findings were presented in this article in terms of security gaps, threats, vulnerabilities and mitigation strategies to develop a counter measures. Safa, N. S., Sookhak, M., Von Solms, R., Furnell, S., Ghani, N. A., & Herawan, T. (2015). Information security conscious care behaviour formation in organizations. Computers & Security, 53, 65–78. The authors described characteristics of cloud computing system and its attributes in terms of functionality, scalability, reliability, and security. Authors presented the need of synchronization between technology, human intervention and human behavior to build a secured cloud platform. The authors used their research study using qualitative and quantitative methods similar to a mixed method. The authors did not discuss any limitations

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