
Development of Schizophrenia

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Early theories regarding the development of schizophrenia hypothesized that a large percentage of the onset of the psychotic disorder was due to genetic predisposition (Leboyer et al., 2008; Tsuang, Stone, & Faraone, 2001). Meehl (1962) theorized that schizotaxia, a genetic predisposition for schizophrenia, inevitably results in schizotpy, the physical materialization of schizophrenia. Other early theories suggested that 80% of the likelihood of developing schizophrenia could be attributed to genetics (Leboyer et al., 2008).
However, as more studies are conducted, schizophrenia presents itself as a phenotype that is manifested due to a number of genetic and environmental influences interacting with one another (Tsuang et al, 2001; van Os, Rutten, & Poulton 2008; Leboyer et al., 2008). Unlike Meehl’s theories, schizotpy is not the only outcome to genetic predisposition, and predisposition does not indicate necessary diagnosis. There are many factors that can contribute to the onset of schizophrenia and a number of theories attempt to explain how these interactions develop into psychosis. Multi-factorial polygenic theories suggest that a combination of genetic and environmental factors compound with one another until they reach a crucial point in which schizophrenia becomes manifest (Tsuang et al, 2001). This would imply that it is not the influence of a single gene, but a complex combination of various genes and environmental situations that are associated with the onset of

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