
Difference Between A Team And A Group

Decent Essays

In organizational behavior, theory is concerned with explaining structure processes and the way these integrate with operations such as healthcare organs and other social utilities. Utility refers to the satisfaction that each choice provides to the decision maker. Thus, utility theory assumes that any decision is made on the basis of the utility maximization principle, according to which the best choice is the one that provides the highest utility to the decision maker.

2. Explain difference between a team and a group. p311

A group defined by using four characteristics: (1) two or more people in social interaction, (2) a stable structure, (3) common interests or goals, and (4) the individuals perceiving themselves as a group. Groups can …show more content…

By using new and developing technologies, teams are able to work towards completing their goal

1. Describe the effect of power in a health organization. P161
Within a health care organization, power can streamline various processes and put forward adequate systems of control. It also establishes principles that people within the organization can follow in order to reduce conflict in roles and responsibilities
Reward power and coercive power can be seen in employer-employee relationships in health organization. Reward power is defined as the ability to give rewards something that holds value to another individual, and can be visualized as instances when a supervisor gives an employee a raise due to a satisfactory job performance
Coercive power is defined as the ability to punish either by administering a punishment or by withholding something that an individual needs or wants. It exists because the employee understands that the employer or supervisor has the potential to either give rewards or inflict punishments.

1. Compare different leadership perspectives and theories. P203

Fielder’s Contingency Theory states that individuals possess dominant leadership characteristics that are well established and generally flexible. Leaders are characterized into one of two styles, either task-oriented (active, controlling and structuring) or human relations-oriented (passive,

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