
Difference Between College Sports And Pro Sports

Decent Essays

People have different opinions on what type of sports they like to watch and most of the time it is college sports o pro sports, What do you like to watch? Let me know.

The main question people like to ask is is there a big difference between college sports and pro sports? That can be up to you of what you think about the two types of sports. There is some big differences though between the two and i am going to explain some of them. One of the differences is the experience and skill between college players and pro players. Pro players have the edge in this difference because most of the players are older expect for the rookies. The pro players have more skill and way more experience to the game they play, like in the NBA the players know how to do more and are just way much better then college players. …show more content…

There is people who say the college players have more energy and drive to want to win. They play harder and better defense then the pro players, which could make them more exciting to watch and more fun to go watch in person also not only on TV. The opinion is all up to the people though like you if you are reading this blog post.

The other difference in NBA and College basketball is that the NBA players get paid to play the game of basketball. Some people think since NBA players get paid that they only care about getting that paycheck and buy stuff for themselves and not worried about playing the game. College player on the other hand do not get paid to play the game of basketball which sucks because they make people come watch them not NCAA. Since college players do not get paid they play harder and want to try their hardest to win games so can make it to the postseason and win a NCAA

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