
Difference Between Kindergarten And Montessori

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Learning is a process for brain development. Learning develops learner's curiosity to learn the new things. In the human life, learning started from the childhood onwards.Learners able to convey the concept with their own language.Education makes the learners kindergarten or Montessori, education is a play way method of education, learners love to come to school to play and learn.Kindergartener has a various level of understanding ability, some are visual, auditory and Kinaesthetic learners. They learn by watching listening and by doing.Through the story, rhymes, videos session, and hands-on activities to make the learners learn the concept.Using gross and fine motor skills learners show their enthusiasm to learn the new things. …show more content…

The teacher should arrange the classroom based on the different activities. In kindergarten, learners develop the cognitive thinking based on hands-on activities.From the activities, learners able to identify the concepts and relate that concepts in their day to day life. A good teaching methodology, in my opinion, should meet the different learning styles of the learners(Kolb, 1927).active learning is the form of activity-based learning .each and every learner participated actively and enthusiastically to do the activities for kindergarten, learners are doing and developing the critical thinking and analyzing what they are doing in the activities.from that the learners achieve the higher order thinking of creating, analyzing and evaluating.An effective teacher, plan the different activities like roleplay, storytelling, story enacting Our Learners want to learn new things from the active learning.Engage the children with lots of hands-on activities and motivate their curiosity level in each subject. Educator focus the more learners work in the activities, learners understand the concept by doing by seeing and by listening activities, from the Bandura theory, I understand the learners observe the module and do the activity-based learning with enthusiastically children being engaged by doing things and thinking about the things what they are doing to achieve the goals of the

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