Looking for a one-liner and easy to understand 'difference between UI and UX design'? Just so you know, you have stumbled upon just the right source.
In a layman language, UX is the experience that a person has as they interact with your product and UI is basically the look and feel of the product.
Ofcourse this is the simplest version of the UX and UI definition and is giving a very limited view of the subject. And obviously for a detailed version, one will have to dive in deep.
Let's understand it in bits and pieces first.
What is UX?
The technical definition given by Don Norman and Jakob Nielsen says, “The first requirement for an exemplary user experience is to meet the exact needs of the customer, without fuss or bother. Next, comes simplicity and elegance that produce products that are a joy to own, a joy to use.
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What’s the difference between UI and UX?
Go through the take of various influencers on the subject.
1. Ken Norton – Partner at Google Ventures, Ex-Product Manager at Google
“Start with a problem we’d like to solve. UX design is focused on anything that affects the user’s journey to solve that problem, positive or negative, both on-screen and off. UI design is focused on how the product’s surfaces look and function. The user interface is the only piece of that journey. I like the restaurant analogy I’ve heard others use: UI is the table, chair, plate, glass, and utensils. UX is everything from the food, to the service, parking, lighting, and music.”
2. Andy Budd – Co-founder of Clearleft, Founder of UX London
“Common logic would suggest that, if you design the UI, and a person experiences a product through the UI, that makes you a User Experience Designer. However, this would also imply that designing your own home makes you an architect, and fixing a tap makes you a
-To consistently provide our customers with impeccable service by demonstrating warmth, graciousness, efficiency, knowledge, professionalism and integrity in our work.
Many of the course goals were encountered while completed this assignment. These included increasing audience awareness, practicing important types of technical communications (memos and instructions), creating documents that solve problems through communication using relevant sources, and learn use of design document principles to enhance usability and overall effectiveness. Each of the course goals played at least some part in successfully completing this
I would define design as taking these creative thoughts and ideas, or applying an innovative concept, and putting them into a plan of action. Design is the point at which creativity and innovation become a useful part of a solution. It is the ability to take creative thoughts and manifest them into a tangible object or cohesive solution, and incorporate that into a plan of action to solve a particular problem or take a product to market,
User experience is the art of understanding your user and strives to provide the best possible experience. UX design is the process of designing (digital or physical) products that are useful, easy to use, and delightful to interact with. It's about enhancing the experience that people have while interacting with your product, and making sure they find value in what you're providing.
Design education coursework will allow students to exercise their creativity without the restrictions and limitations they will face upon entering the work force. Ideally, design education gives students the foundation they will need to become successful professionals and valued contributors to the world of design.
Over the last two weeks we have read multiple articles related to cognitive load theory and user-centered design processes. I find these two weeks’ worth of readings very interesting in that I did not know there were two different user-design processes that could be utilized when creating designs. I also found it interesting to learn about the various loads in the cognitive load theory. While I think I understood the basic idea of not overwhelming the user, I never knew the theories behind the process.
Working as a User Experience (UX) designer in the tech industry has been my main career aspiration since I first started my co-op program. Having previously completed my second co-op term as a web and graphic designer for a biotech company - GenomeMe, I was eager to challenge myself and get a taste of what it is like to work as a UX designer in a tech company.
Aesthetics and their role in experience design have been thoroughly researched in the disciplines of human factors, cognitive psychology, informatics, and design. Numerous studies examined in this paper will demonstrate how aesthetics can dramatically affect user response to the perceived credibility and usability of products and systems (David, Glore, 2001). The importance of
User interface design is the design of user interfaces (UI) for machines and software, used on computers, smartphones, and any other electronic device. The goal of a user interface is to maximize a user’s ability to access all necessary components of the intended application or website with less effort exerted by the user; as a developer you want to create something beautiful that somebody with any previous experience of interfaces would be capable of using. Using an interface should be an enjoyable experience, the user shouldn’t be stressed out or annoyed by UI, and its inability to present the necessary information in an aesthetically pleasing and efficient manner. There are no steps to design that are set in stone, but crucial things that should be considered are:
Throughout the vast selection of jobs within the Media and ICT sector the two that are vastly known and that I shall look into are a Graphic Designers work and the work of a web designer. Both jobs have similarities but yet both stretch out two different ways both having their own set of skills needed and having their different methods of working and planning.
Graphic designers are the people who make logos and pictures for companies. For example, some graphic designers might make the picture for a restaurant logo. If a picture is made badly, and doesn't attract you to it, that company is probably not going to get a lot of negative effects on their company. Graphic designers should be good with computers and art. Many graphic designers develop things for advertising related things, and they need to create things that really stand out. Most graphic designers get employed in special designing services. A graphic designer should show their creativity and how original they are.
The ISO 9241-210 defined user experience (UX) as “a person’s perceptions and responses resulting from the use and/or anticipated use of a product, system or service”. The user
‘User-centered design’ (UCD) is a broad term to describe design processes in which end-users influence how a design takes shape. (Abras, Maloney-Krichmar, & Preece, 2004) Getting the opinions and input from the end-user in the design of an information system. Also getting requirements from the users about what they want the system to do and then meeting those requirements in the design and development of the system.
Visual Designers - these types of designers focus on the look and feel of the product and brand across the whole product or service
There is not much attention paid for a design when everything is correctly ordered. The average person seldom sees design in anything at all. While we read newspapers daily without noticing the skeletal framework that orders the headlines, photography, graphics, text and other stylistic elements of a page (Bivins & Ryan, 1995). An example could be when we raise our glasses to toast; we do not realize that stems are designed to keep our hands from warming the wine. A good design is like it exists, but does not call for attention to itself.