
Design Of User Interface Design Essay

Better Essays

User Interface Design User interface design is the design of user interfaces (UI) for machines and software, used on computers, smartphones, and any other electronic device. The goal of a user interface is to maximize a user’s ability to access all necessary components of the intended application or website with less effort exerted by the user; as a developer you want to create something beautiful that somebody with any previous experience of interfaces would be capable of using. Using an interface should be an enjoyable experience, the user shouldn’t be stressed out or annoyed by UI, and its inability to present the necessary information in an aesthetically pleasing and efficient manner. There are no steps to design that are set in stone, but crucial things that should be considered are: Who are you designing for? What do they do? Why do they need to product? Research is vital. Make a list of the goals you want the UI to accomplish and decide upon your minimal viable product (MVP), or a product that meets the minimum requirements needed. Less is more. Start Simple. People get confused when too much is presented. Make it crystal clear so there is absolutely no confusion for the user. It’s about the people you’re building the product for. Always go back to the original purpose of the interface, even when you think you have a perfect design. Always make sure you can’t make it better to accomplish the goals you originally had for the interface. Iterate often to get the best

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