
Different Factors Affecting Alana's Social Development

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When do we step in for our children and get them some help? It is very important that we build strong relationships with the children in our lives and let them know that they have someone that they can talk to and trust. Taking time out of our day to let a child know that they matter is very important for that child, even if it is just a smile, that child needs to understand that you are there for them. Caregivers that genuinely care about the child will be able to pick up on stresses or changes in a child’s life (Patterson, 2006). When we have teachers that care we place hope in that child’s life. “We are educators and we are born to make a difference” (Pierson, 2013). Pierson also enforced that the relationships that we have with our students …show more content…

The teachers at Alana school had watched her and they see that there is a problem, but what do they do now, and how can they turn things around for Alana? Should we just push Alana through and hope that things will get better? Alana is 10 years old but not on the developmental level of the other 10-year-olds in her school. Today we will focus on the different factors that could be affecting Alana social development, what strategies could we enforce within her family, teachers, and community that would help with Alana’s social interaction with her peers, and how will Alana’s current socialization effect the way she see adult roles in the university and community. Right now, Alana is slipping through the cracks and need help. As caring caregivers, it is up to us to implement a plan to help …show more content…

Teachers that care have children that enjoy coming to school and have fun while they are there. Alana is a girl that has not had the opportunity to develop skills that will keep her on track with the rest of her peers. Now that we see this problem we must work with Alana’s mother, teacher’s, and the community to get her back on track. In the classroom, the teacher may provide an atmosphere of community in which all students' feelings and situations are accepted and stigmatization is out of the question (Dill, 2010). When a child has a positive community around them it will let them focus on how they can become better and become more open to new friendships. Before we can help Alana, we must first help Alana’s mother get her self-esteem back. It seems that after the divorce her mom has entered in to a state of depression that is now affecting her daughter. This is where the community is welcomed to get involved. The community plays a big part in how we interact with others and our involvement in the community. When we are involved in the community it gives us a sense of purpose and a reason to keep moving forward. As stated earlier in the paper, it is very important to build those relationships. Not only should we build a relationship with Alana but also her family as well. Just because her parents are divorced does not mean that her dad is out of her life. Maybe Alana’s mom needs some time to get herself back together

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