
Different Policies And Government Authority

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Different policies and government authority were held in each sector in a manner to control the population and local and state governments. A currency reform took place in western Germany with the creation of an economically stable Deutschmark opposed to the former unstable German Reichsmark. An administration of the western zones was uniformly created, known first as the Bizone, which was the merging of the American and British territories on January 1st, 1947. The Trizone would later evolve which brought the inclusion of the French zone on June 19th later that year. The Trizone became known as the Federal Republic of Germany and the solo Soviet unit became known as the German Democratic Republic. After gaining perspective on which …show more content…

Planning and investigating were soon done by the three nations in an attempt to figure out and carry out a large-scale solution.
On November 30th, 1945, it was announced that there would be 23-mile-wide air corridors providing passage to Berlin. Since the use of unarmed aircraft would be the transport method, the Soviets could not accuse that the cargo aircraft were a military threat, like if they were tanks or trucks. Being faced with non-lethal aircraft refusing to turn around, the only way to keep the blockade impassable would be to shoot them down. The Soviets were forcibly put in a position of either shooting down unarmed humanitarian aircraft, which in turn would break their own agreements, or back down and withdraw the blockade. In cooperation between American Air Force Commander Curtis LeMay and British Royal Air Force General Sir Brian Robertson, it determined what supplies could be hauled across the blockade, what aircraft could do the job, and the aircrews that would be involved. The resources needed and expenses were also calculated. The food situation in occupied Berlin was dire. A minimum amount of daily rations (1,990 per day) was configured for each type of food that was nutritionally needed. The set of daily food requirements was 646 tons of flour and wheat, 125 tons of cereal, 64 tons of fat, 109 tons of meat and fish, 180 tons of dehydrated

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