
Different Theories For Counseling Families

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During this half of our semester, we have learned about various theories to apply when counseling families. Three concepts I have chosen to apply when discussing the Manning-Kelly and my family is: triangulation through cross-generational coalitions, boundaries, and cutoffs. As a class, we have examined the Manning-Kelly in all aspects with their plethora of difficulties. I will use my family to show how these have been illustrated in my own and how they have been dealt with. These three concepts will allow further examination into triangulations, cutoffs, and boundaries established in their family using the readings and videos we have seen in class (Unfolding Laundry and Carl Whitaker’s) as references. Over the past several weeks, we have been studying and analyzing patterns shown in the Manning-Kelly family. According to This family was brought into counseling by the advisement of the identified patient’s primary care physician. The IP, Christina, has demonstrated very low weight gain, scars on her upper arms and thighs, and is constantly arguing with her mother, Liz, on why she does not want to go to college. Martin Jr., Christina’s brother, attempts to remain disengaged from the situation, rarely bringing attention to himself. Mark, Christina and Martin Jr.’s stepfather, also displays behaviors associated with detachment as well. Martin, Christina’s father, tries to remain as involved as possible but, obviously, cannot be there all the time to try and lessen the

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