
Digital Information Technology : The Convergence Of Digital Technology

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The rise of digital technology convergence has made it achievable for technological organizations to deliver video, audio, and text material by the same wired, wireless or fiber-optic connections. In the past communications technology were separate and they provided specific services. Telephone and computer services regulated on different platforms. With digital technology convergence, a new age of multimedia has been introduced whereas images and data can be imported together to create a single network that distributes more efficient and effective services to the consumer of information content. Many of the content that is made today is in the fashion of a digital format, which offers consumers a spectrum of options to choose from, for the content that wants to consume. Digital technology convergence is allowing companies to blend and produce better and adequate services. With digital technology convergence, communication has become more effortless and faster as audiences can communicate directly with one another and with authors and publishers of mass media content through email, online forums, and other interactive media. In conclusion, one can say that digital technology convergence confits the combination of technologies of broadcasting, telecommunications, computing, and printing. This approach has in various ways changed the very attributes of mass communication and is rapidly changing media and journalism as several types of mass media increasingly converge into a

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