Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA) EDUC 302 Instructional Practices for Reading Teachers Complete the template below. |Teacher Candidate: Gabrielle Brown | |Student Grade Level:1st | |Reading Selection (narrative, informational text, or story): Where Butterflies Grow by Joanne Ryder | |Directions …show more content…
| |Write a summary and reflective analysis of the experience at the bottom of this template. | |Reading Behavior During DR-TA |Student Names | | |Darby Smith |Annabelle Williams |Michael Ray | |Reading Title/Pictures of Selection | |Participates in predicting / is cooperative |X |X | | |Makes some predictions with coaxing |X |X |X | |Initiates own predictions eagerly after prompting with title |X |X | | |Low risk taking / reluctant |
(10 points) Summary Reflection: Putting all your results and findings together, write a detailed paragraph about what all of this means about you. Include thoughts on how your learning style, your personality, your study habits, and your communication skills relate to achieving your personal, academic, and career goals.
Bryan Campus (mother, Edith Sanchez). Spoke to both parent and case manager (Byran has an IEP for ADD) and we have a meeting on Wednesday, December 9th at 10:00 am at Winton MS.
In the last couple of weeks, I have struggled to find time between classes, studying, work and other things to find time to read a book from start to finish. At this point in my life, I find myself only being able to finish books that are assigned to me. My initial goal was to read three books that, in the past, I came across but never actually found the time to read. I chose the books, Paper Towns by John Green, The Choice by Nicholas Sparks, and Where She Went by Gayle Forman.
Scientifically based reading research is thorough, standard, and purposeful measures to gain valid knowledge important to reading development, reading instruction, and reading difficulties. By using scientifically based reading programs, teachers are less likely to use unreliable and untested methods that may hurt the academic progress. Scientifically based reading programs allow teaching to be more effective, productive, and efficient. Scientifically based reading instruction includes clear and organized instruction in the following: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.
One third of schools in the United States are located within rural areas. Rural areas are known to be small towns where people are known for a southern way of life. These areas are also known for high poverty and geographic seclusion. With these characteristics for an environment, it is difficult to maintain an upright school atmosphere. Most schools in rural areas are lacking high qualified teachers and the school itself is failing to develop strategies to help struggling readers in early elementary school.
I completed my directed reading-thinking activity with a five year old kindergartener named Austin, at Holly Academy. After having taught my first DRTA, I deliberated on it both individually and with my cooperating teacher. I have several things that I would like to reflect upon. Overall, I think that the outcome of my DRTA was effective. Nevertheless, there is always room for improvement.
The purpose of the Australian National Curriculum, 2017, is to increase the knowledge, understanding and ability of children by Year 6 (ACARA, 2017). ACARA believes that is important for students to read and write a wide variety of material, with the aim of developing their writing and reading skills, and deepen the understanding they have of themselves within their surroundings (ACARA, 2017).
Based on their first research question: Do students at risk for reading difficulties who receive supplemental reading intervention using guided reading approach have better outcomes in word identification, phonemic decoding, reading fluency, and reading comprehension, relative to students who receive reading intervention using an explicit , sequential approach, (pg. 269), it was hypothesized that the guided reading group would perform leaps and bounds over the explicit group, but as the results show, there was no significant difference between these two groups. Based on their second research question: Do students who receive supplemental guided reading or explicit instruction intervention have better reading outcomes than those who receive the reading instruction
Euphemism are types of words that make things sound better than they are. Dyseuphemism are types of words that make things sound worse than they are.
Overall, the Direct Reading Activity went great. The only part I struggled with was the oral reading. I could tell towards the end they were losing focus. Next time, I will give them their own copy of the book and have them read silently. The issue I have with silent reading is not being able to ask questions throughout the story; however, questions could be given at the end of silent reading. My other concern is a student being embarrassed to read aloud and not wanting to participate. Also, it took longer to read, due to a couple of the students being slow readers. Next time I would choose to read the book out loud to them or have them read their own copies. Otherwise, the Direct Reading Activity project went well. I could tell the students
• Summary – Reflection (1 Point): In one paragraph, summarize your experience with the redesign in terms of challenges you encountered and how you overcame those challenges.
Kluth (2010, p. 3) makes the recommendation of reading books to students with autism about people with autism, such as Grandin’s (1995) Thinking in pictures. Finding books to read where students with autism can relate and make connections is important. Many students with autism struggle with making predictions, visualizing events of a text, identifying the purpose for reading and sometimes even separating main ideas from details so helping the student to build on background knowledge for which he/or she already has some prior knowledge can strengthen comprehension skills considerably.
The district has about twenty-four thousand students and employees three thousand educational professionals. For the purposes of this assignment the place and the participants in which the PD would occurs and be for will all take place at Jane Long Elementary for only the campus staff. The campus has approximately 538 students in grade pre-kinder thru sixth and 36 staff member. The targeted population of the study is regular classroom teachers, two reading interventionist, one special education teacher, and administration. The content of the professional development will focus on the ability to utilized iStation as an assessment piece for determining students reading levels and plan lessons with specific targeted reading interventions strategies for students who don’t meet either tier 1 or tier 2 criteria. The personnel in charge of delivering the content and continuing PD is the reading department who is to be composed of three district ELAR instructional coaches, one director of reading, and a reading data specialist. The administration team of the campus will insure that ongoing training is conducted
I guess I don’t read enough. My mom is always telling me that I need to start making reading a regular thing for me. But the thing is, I never have enough time and now, I’m always either doing homework or doing stuff with my family. I just can’t find any time to read. I’m a really good reader but I just can’t always comprehend it. I can sometimes get really far in a book but not even remember the main topic of the book. I wish I could read more.
Are reading and writing connected? Reading and writing have always been strong elements, in our lives, studies have shown that reading affects writing and vise-versa. Stephen King said, “If you could put together a model car or assemble a piece of furniture from directions you could write a sentence”. He states the importance of two powerful elements, reading and writing, and by putting them together we could make something out of them. I can come to terms with the fact that reading and writing are the key elects to many opportunities although it has not always been easy to convey. Reading and writing together are both the path to improving our vocabulary and expanding of our knowledge, even though certain people will argue differently, and say that only one (reading or writing) of them is the key element.