
Directed Reading-Thinking Activity

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Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA) EDUC 302 Instructional Practices for Reading Teachers Complete the template below. |Teacher Candidate: Gabrielle Brown | |Student Grade Level:1st | |Reading Selection (narrative, informational text, or story): Where Butterflies Grow by Joanne Ryder | |Directions …show more content…

| |Write a summary and reflective analysis of the experience at the bottom of this template. | |Reading Behavior During DR-TA |Student Names | | |Darby Smith |Annabelle Williams |Michael Ray | |Reading Title/Pictures of Selection | |Participates in predicting / is cooperative |X |X | | |Makes some predictions with coaxing |X |X |X | |Initiates own predictions eagerly after prompting with title |X |X | | |Low risk taking / reluctant |

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