
Disciple Ananias

Decent Essays

Healing by Ananias
For three consecutive days, Saul meditated himself in a house without food or water and even didn’t talk to anyone. Three days later, Disciple Ananias who was living in Damascus, was then ordered by Lord to heal the Saul from blindness and to fill him with the Holy Ghost. Ananias the apostle of Christ, after having a blissful vision of Christ who ordered him to help Saul in reviving back the light of his eyes, came and supervised over the restoration of Saul’s vision and his baptism (Dyck, 1980). Disciple Ananias had the vision of Jesus Christ who instructed him to go to Paul and heal him. The Apostle Ananias was thunderstruck and afraid at first as all Christians thought of Saul as their worst enemy but due to the orders from Christ he went to heal his blindness. As it is mentioned in Book, Acts 9:11-12- “Get up and go to the street called Straight, and at the house of Judas look for a man of Tarsus named Saul. At this moment, he is praying and he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him so that he might …show more content…

The first and the foremost (9:1-19) is narrated by the instigator of the Book of Acts himself and the other two that are described in verses 22:4-16 and 26:9-19, point out the dominant part of Paul’s strong opinions before Jews in Jerusalem and King Agrippa separately. They, to some extent create an equivalent historical account. The interpretations of revelations described in all three following Acts have the same judgmental narration in emphasizing the hand-picked selection of Saul by Lord himself as a devotee to the Church, its mission, and the discipleship to carry out the words of God to the far off regions of the Asia world. His appointment proved to be a momentous instrument; indeed a very useful one to spread the Words of Jesus to the entire

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