
Discovering Yourself

Decent Essays


This topic is very interesting with the Discovery wheel, learning styles, and balancing learning styles. My favorite assignment was the discovery wheel, this exercise shows me that I need to balance the skills that I have and some real weaknesses that I did not know that I had. Discovery is a way to find your TRUE strengths and weaknesses and how balance them. Discovery, commitment, and Mastery should be in every student vocabulary and should be something worked on daily.

In my opinion, discovering yourself topic is perfect to be chapter 1 because you can start discovering yourself and improving your skills through out the course as well as your time as a student so that when you graduate and are …show more content…

I take notes in conferences and seminars and these tools can help me process what I am learning. Many instructors speak faster than I can write and sometimes I find myself either not taking notes and trying to remember what they said, or trying to write everything they said and missing the point all together. I will use the tools in this chapter and will work with others to make sure that I can get the complete information from the lecture. The other points in the chapter I will put into effect while in class and reading assignment trying to map my chapters with main points and making the charts flow from general concepts to specific ideas. Observing, report, and review is an all around concept that can be used in class and work to help me in the ability to remember what the chapter or lecture was about and to be successful in test taking.

TIME This was a excellent topic with the Time Plan Process, Getting real with your Goals, STOP PROCRASTINATION NOW which was my favorite assignment in the chapter, 7-day antiprocrastination plan, long term planners, and Master Calendar. This chapter covers discovering how you currently use your time through using planner’s charts and calendars. It also covered how setting goals that will make a difference in the quality of your life and what to do today, this week, and this month and making sure that you reach your goals using techniques to simplify your goals to

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