Learning strategies and VARK analysis Dictionary.com defines a student as “a person formally engaged in learning” (Student, 2012). Students of any age know that comprehending and retaining information is essential to educational success. Just as every student had unique physical attributes, they also have unique learning styles in which they best retain new and important information. The VARK (Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic) is a questionnaire that is given to help individual find their unique learning style. This allows students and non students alike to explore the way in which the not only retain information, but the best way to present information. Each type of learning style is broken down with ways in which to …show more content…
After watching such a presentation writing notes and revisiting the key points of the presentation are study tools used to help this author acquire new information. Furthermore, participating in group discussions which provided question and answer times provided this other with another learning style that facilitated successful retention of information.
Contrast of styles Multimodal learners are
VARK is an acronym for: Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic. These are the four different types of learning styles. Visual learn by watching and seeing the subject of which are being taught in this category my score was SEVEN. As, aural learn by listening and speaking the subject mostly associated with their ears my score was SIX. Read/Write learn by displays of the words meaning they could rewrite their notes over a thousand times and understand the subject fully my score was also SIX. Lastly, kinesthetic people learn by various movement with their hands, body language, and/or videos my score was 12.
A variety of communication media can be considered when planning to produce a presentation, for example verbal communication and written communication, each type of communication media has its advantages and limitations. When developing my presentation I decided to use both verbal and written communication, although both communication methods were used I had to ensure that they were used in the correct quantities. To keep my presentation engaging I tried to use as much visual representation as possible limiting the amount of text per slide. I chose to use PowerPoint because of its combination of written and verbal communication (not to mention the cost effectiveness of choosing PowerPoint and simplistic interface); the written aspects included the text on the slides, screenshots and images. The screenshots proved particularly useful as they was of the actual database used in the daily running of the Apprenticeships Store, once paired with the demonstration of inputting data into the database it ensured greater understanding due to more practical learning as opposed to theoretical learning. More detail was provided in my handouts ensuring I didn’t give too much information at once and this allowed the audience to document any supplementary information I said during the presentation, by speaking and interpreting what was on the slides ensured the presentation remained fluid and
Provide students with information on different presentation skills needed for their final presentation. How to conduct a Power Point presentation and a poster, including visuals and different sounds, the importance of speaking clearly and loudly, the importance of correct spelling and grammar and use of appropriate language relating to the topic is discussed.
There are people who work better by listening to instructions and working from there, looking at drawings, diagrams, datas and understanding visually and others who simply need to get out there, “touch the project”, and play around with it, for their brains to register the information. However, in order for all of the information to be remembered, “the lecture” must be engaging, or at least according to Howard Gardner.
Prepare a simple 1-2 minute informative presentation for the class. Use this journal question to (a) tell me which type of informative presentation you chose and why, and then (b) write out your presentation, and then be prepared to deliver it in class on Tuesday.
While a good presentation can deliver the insights of a topic and allows the audience to clearly understand a textual topic in a visual and more memorable way, a bad presentation can also make the audience more confused for even the things that they already know. Unlike how most people think, presentation is not all about the quality of the contents of the presentation but it greatly depends on aspects such as presenter’s confidence, quality of slides, and speaker’s methods and preparation for that particular topic. The most complicated and boring topics can seem so interesting by the audience,
As the course developed heavy emphasis was placed on the involvement of the audience. This was shown to have beneficial consequences to my presentation, because by asking the audience to share in the presentation by emotional involvement, dispenses with them becoming board and detached with my presentation. Furthermore, it was shown that, even though involvement was desired it should be cautiously applied. Digression too far away from the main topic could have a negative impact on my credibility just as easily as poor grammar. Therefore, the final developmental module was demonstrated and encouraged to be married to both the emotional appeal and the credibility appeal when developing paragraphs. Logical appeal, was demonstrated as the final key concept to keep the entire presentation
In order to be well prepared for a case study presentation, it is crucial to familiarize with the case and its context individually. To fully understand the case, it must be read several times while emphasizing different key elements. Taking notes while reading the case can also increase productivity, which would make the preparation process more efficient. By reading the case several times and taking notes, students will get a full understanding on the problems discussed in the case as well as the people or key players involved in the case. It is also important to research the company for which you are presenting the case for, which would allow you to back up your presentation with facts and realistic action plans. Use of visual tools during the preparation, such as graphs and charts, will also help get ideas across more efficiently to the audience. Lastly, it is important to focus on the objective and goal of the company in order to come up with an action plan, which can be implemented to attain the company's objectives.
It can help the speaker break the barrier of long, boring, fact and numbers-only classical format of presentations and achieve the purpose of the presentation.
The VARK learning preference tool provides individuals with information that they can utilize to enhance their learning process by helping them to study more effectively and efficiently. The VARK tool consists of a questionnaire that the learner takes to identify which senses the individual uses to capture and process information, and serves as a guide to assist the individual to improve their learning by providing a summary of their preferred learning style. The VARK questionnaire contains 16 questions that identify four sensory
This student’s preferred learning strategy has always been that of the read/write category. She takes advantage of handouts, textbooks, and dictionaries when studying for quizzes and exams. She also prefers going to the library due to the atmosphere provided by this institution. To enhance learning the use of outlines and note cards have also been useful when studying. Visual aids accompanying the read/write category have been useful in obtaining good grades throughout advancement in education (VARK, 2011).
Fleming & Mills (1992) developed the VARK questionnaire as “a technique that would focus students’ attention on ways they address information” (Fleming & Mills, 1992, “The Catalyst”, para. 1). The questionnaire consists of 13 multiple-choice questions used to determine students’ learning preference. The goal of each question is to place a reader in a situation they have experienced before and ask for their preferred action (Fleming & Mills, 1992). Based on the answers provided, the VARK identifies a learning preference, which can include one of the four styles: visual, aural, read/write, or kinesthetic (Fleming & Mills, 1992).
Presentations should reflect a careful analysis of audience interest and be relevant. Presentations should also reflect the theory we
Due to the fact that I am a visual learner the PowerPoints were of great use to me. I was able to look at them during lectures and they were available to me during my study sessions at home. When going home and re reading the assigned pages I was able to narrow down the information in which I was given in the book. A hindrance for me this semester was the lecture style of the class. Despite the fact that I am only a one on the active scale I am a very active learner. I have noticed that I do not thrive in lecture styles classes. To cope with this I started to participate more in group discussions and answering questions. The case study discussions also aided in my comprehension of the material given. I also enjoyed the fact that guidelines are
Knowing how to create a PowerPoint presentation with slides that advance automatically and are voice narrated is a beneficial process to know as a student. Creating PowerPoint presentations is a process students will go through throughout the course of their schooling, and they may possibly use this process after schooling depending on their career. Using PowerPoint is helpful for both the presenter and the person viewing the presentation. Presentations provide a way for people who are visual learners, or people who prefer viewing images and viewing words, as well as audio learners, people who prefer hearing discussions, a more effective way to learn. According to Wendy Corbett, who is certified in designing learning, “When you use both words and pictures, you are actively engaging both working and long-term memory” (Corbett, 2015, p.66). This means that using learning or teaching tools that provide both discussion and a visual allows the viewers to actively use their memory, which will in turn aid in the viewer remembering what the presentation was about. As a presenter, using PowerPoint