
Vark Learning Styles

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Learning strategies and VARK analysis defines a student as “a person formally engaged in learning” (Student, 2012). Students of any age know that comprehending and retaining information is essential to educational success. Just as every student had unique physical attributes, they also have unique learning styles in which they best retain new and important information. The VARK (Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic) is a questionnaire that is given to help individual find their unique learning style. This allows students and non students alike to explore the way in which the not only retain information, but the best way to present information. Each type of learning style is broken down with ways in which to …show more content…

After watching such a presentation writing notes and revisiting the key points of the presentation are study tools used to help this author acquire new information. Furthermore, participating in group discussions which provided question and answer times provided this other with another learning style that facilitated successful retention of information.
Contrast of styles Multimodal learners are

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