
Discrimination And Prejudice And Discrimination

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Discrimination comes in a number of forms. We have age discrimination, employment or job discrimination, racial discrimination, gender discrimination, reverse discrimination, sexual discrimination, and others. Prejudice is a negative attitude toward a socially defined group and toward any person perceived to be a member of that group (Burgess, 2003). The purpose of her research was to talk about discrimination and prejudices and the affect they have on our day to day lives. She also defines prejudice and discrimination and takes a look at their relationship to stereotyping and racism. According to Burgess, stereotyping often leads to prejudice and discrimination, with its definition almost mirroring that of prejudice. Stereotypes or characterizations are generalizations or assumptions that people make about the characteristics of all members of a group, based on an image, often wrong, about what people in that group are like. We are told that it does not allow for individuals to be different, but names them all as one group (Burgess, 2003). Much as her research does, I’d like to discuss the different types of discrimination and prejudice and how we might eliminate it. In the text chosen for this course, Managing Diversity- People Skills for a Multicultural Workplace,” the author reminds its readers that America has been a segmented society and that de facto segregation is still common. Rumor, suspicion, and stereotyping result if a group is competing too earnestly

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