The hypothesis stating if four grapes are placed in distilled water, a salt solution, a sugar solution, and tap water, then the grape placed in distilled water will gain the most mass out of the four grapes was rejected by the data. The grape placed in the distilled water gained the second smallest amount of mass in the experiment, 0.26 grams. The hypothesis stating if four grapes are placed in distilled water, a salt solution, a sugar solution, and tap water, then the grape placed in the salt solution will lose the most mass out of the four grapes was rejected by the data. The grape placed in the salt solution gained a mass of 0.22 grams. The grape placed in the salt solution gained 0.22 grams of mass, the grape placed in distilled gained 0.26 grams of mass, the grape placed in the sugar solution gained 0.55 grams …show more content…
Before the grape placed in the tap water was put in the tap water, the grape was very ovate, had a small dent on the side, and was soft on one end. After the grape was placed in the tap water and taken out, the grape was still ovate, but a little more plump. The grape also was still soft on one end, however the grape no longer had a dent on the side. When, osmosis occurred in the grape placed in the tap water, the water passing through the skin of the grape, acting similarly to the cell membrane of a cell, plumped the grape, pushing up the sunken skin causing the dent, therefore causing there to no longer be a dent in the grape. All four of the solutions in the experiment were hypotonic. The solutions’ hypotonicity was supported by the data showing how all four of the grapes in the different solutions gained mass because some of the water in the solutions diffused into the grapes. None of the four solutions were shown to be hypertonic by the data because none of the grapes lost mass throughout the
First students obtained 8 graduated cylinders and labeled them. Each one contained a different ratio of vinegar and water. These graduated cylinders with the liquid were weighed and recorded.Then, students obtained an Alka-Seltzer tablet and recorded its mass. Then one alka-seltzer tablet was dropped into each of the graduated cylinders. Students had to
Introduction: Alka-seltzer contains three active ingredients, aspirin, sodium hydrogen carbonate and citric acid. It is used for headaches, migraines, and cold and flu symptoms. Alka-Seltzer is usually taken when dissolved in a glass of water. When placed in water a series of chemical reactions result into Sodium citrate and Sodium acetylsalicylate. The sodium citrate would act as the antacid for stomach pains, and the sodium acetylsalicylate would act as the pain reliever.
In the Chemistry of Natural Waters Lab we were to collect a sample of water, ranging from a fountain, stream, bottle, or tap water. After we collected the samples we all did many tests to see what the hardness was for each one. Water hardness is determined by the amount of Calcium and Magnesium in the water.(2) Water that has more Calcium or Magnesium is considered to be harder than water with less of those two elements. When you use soap and detergent, this is where you see water hardness coming into play in everyday life when you are washing things.
Osmosis is a natural occurrence constantly happening within the cells of all living things. For osmosis to occur, water molecules must move across a semipermeable membrane from an area of low concentration to an are of high concentration. In order to understand osmosis, people must understand the different types of concentrations that can be present within solution. One of them is an Isotonic solution where the concentration of dissolved particles is equal to that of a cell’s. Another is a hypertonic solution where there is a higher concentration of dissolved particles then inside the cell. And lastly there is a hypotonic solution where there are less dissolved particles than inside the cell. As dissolved particles move to a region of lower concentration, water moves the opposite direction as a result of there being less water in the highly concentrated region. In this experiment, gummy bears were placed in salt water, sugar water, and tap water to find the measure of osmosis between the solution and gummy bear.
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to familiarize you with osmosis and, specifically, what happens to cells when they are exposed to solutions of differing tonicities.
Van’t Hoff’s Law suggests that the osmotic potential of a cell is proportional to the concentration of solute particles in a solution. The purpose of this experiment was to determine if there are any differences between the osmolalities, the no-weight-changes of osmolalities, and the water potentials of potato cores in different solutions of different solutes. The percent weight change of the potato cores was calculated through a “change in weight” method. The potato core’s weight was measured before and after they were put into different concentrations of a solute for 1.5 hours. In our experiment, there were no significant differences from the osmotic potentials of our results and the osmotic potentials of other scientists work. Ending with chi square values of 2.17 and 2.71, and p values of 0.256 and 0.337, concluding that there is no difference in water potentials of potato cores in different solutions of different solutes at varying concentrations.
Osmosis is defined as the tendency of water to flow through a semipermeable membrane to the side with a lower solute concentration. Water potential can be explained by solutes in a solution. The more positive a number is more likely it will lose water. Therefore should water potential be negative the cell the less likely it will lose water. In using potatoes the effects of the molarity of sucrose on the turgidity of plant cells. According to Clemson University, the average molarity of a White potato is between .24 M and .31 M when submerged in a sorbitol solution. This experiment was conducted with the purpose of explaining the relationship found between the mass in plants when put into varying concentrations of sucrose solutions. Should the potatoes be placed in a solution that contains 0.2M or .4M of sucrose solution it will be hypotonic and gain mass or if placed in .6M< it will be hypertonic and lose mass instead. Controlled Variables in this lab were: Composition of plastic cups, Brand of Russet Potatoes, Brand of Sweet Potatoes and the Temperature of the room. For independent variable that caused the results recorded it was the different Sucrose concentrations (0.0M, 0.2M, 0.4M, 0.6M, 0.8M, 1M). The dependent variable was the percentage change from the initial weighs to the final. The cup with .4 molarity was the closest to an isotonic solution and was used as the control group for the lab. Water potential is the free energy per mole of water. It is
The main purpose of the experiment was to test the idea that water would move from the higher concentration to the lower concentration. In order to test this theory, we placed potato slices in 7 different containers, each containing different concentrations of NaCl, to measure the weight change from osmosis. The containers ranged from 0M NaCl all the way to .6M NaCl. We measured the potato slices before and after placing the slices in the solutions and recorded the net change in weight to determine the tonicity of the potato cells. Our results showed that the potato slices put in a NaCl solution of .2M or higher lost weight and the potato slices put in a NaCl solution of .1M or lower gained weight. This shows that the osmolarity of the potato falls within the range of .1M to .2M, and it also proves the process of Osmosis by having the higher concentration move to the lower concentration. In addition to this, it can be concluded that the osmolarity of cells can be determined by observing the affects of osmosis.
Data: Effect of Solute Concentration on Osmosis in Potato Cells (for the 6 groups of our class)
Table 2: Consists of color extract taken from a red cabbage for a natural indicator. The pH reading that was measured by using the pH meter and the result of the pH reading to determine whether the solution was acidic or basic.
Osmosis is the passive movement of water from an area of low solute concentration to an area of high solute concentration, normally across a membrane which prevents the movement of solvent. This is a process by which materials may move into, out of, or within cells. Osmosis doesn’t depend on energy provided by living organisms but is affected by the properties of the cell membrane. The rate of osmosis is dependent on such factors as temperature, pressure, molecular properties such as size and mass, and the concentration gradient. In osmosis, the relationship between a solute’s concentration outside of cell and inside of a cell is described in terms of the tonicity of the solution outside of the cell. A cell is in a hypotonic solution when the solute is more concentrated inside the cell and therefore water moves into the cell. In this solution the cell swells as water enters, this may continue until it ruptures or hemolyzes. In the reverse condition, the cell is in a hypertonic solution
In this lab we are going to discovery how osmosis works using a semi-impermeable membrane a potato slice. Osmosis is known as the movement of water in and out of a cell. To understand how this works we must understand two terms. Hypotonic means the environment has less solutes compared to the inside of the cell. Hypertonic means that the environment has more solutes compared to the inside of the cell. With osmosis water will always move from hypotonic too hypertonic. So the question is will water move into the potato or out of the potato? Will these results change when placed in different morality of salt water? To calculate these results, we will measure the mass of potatoes cut into equal sizes then soak these potato slices in different morality of NaCl for thirty minutes and measure the mass change in each potato slice.
1. 5 sucrose solutions were made of increasing molarity: 0.2 M, 0.4 M, 0.6 M, 0.8 M, 1.0M. 2. 50 mL of each unknown solution were poured into 5 separate cups. A slice of potato was placed into 5 equal cylinders. 3. The mass of the 5 potato cylinders were then recorded. 4. The cylinders were placed into the foam cups with solution and covered with plastic wrap. It is to be left overnight. 5. The room temperature was recorded in Celsius. 6. The cylinders are then to be removed from the cups and carefully blotted of any excess solution. 7. The mass of the potato cylinders were recorded afterwards.
If the amount of sucrose increases, then the rate of osmosis will also increase. When distilled water is placed in a dialysis bag acting as a semipermeable membrane and placed into distilled water there should be no weight change because the concentration is balanced both inside and outside the bag. When a solution if 15%, 30% sucrose in a dialysis bag and that bag is placed into distilled water it should gain weight because the water will diffuse from a high concertation to a low concertation. But when distilled water is placed in a solution of 30% sucrose it should lose weight because the sucrose solution will diffuse into the distilled water because there is more concertation inside than outside of the bag. Diffusion is where a substance
The purpose of this lab is to test the effect of osmosis on cucumber slices. If a cucumber slice is placed in a hypertonic solution, then the mass of the cucumber slice will decrease. Whereas, if