
Tap Water Lab Report

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The hypothesis stating if four grapes are placed in distilled water, a salt solution, a sugar solution, and tap water, then the grape placed in distilled water will gain the most mass out of the four grapes was rejected by the data. The grape placed in the distilled water gained the second smallest amount of mass in the experiment, 0.26 grams. The hypothesis stating if four grapes are placed in distilled water, a salt solution, a sugar solution, and tap water, then the grape placed in the salt solution will lose the most mass out of the four grapes was rejected by the data. The grape placed in the salt solution gained a mass of 0.22 grams. The grape placed in the salt solution gained 0.22 grams of mass, the grape placed in distilled gained 0.26 grams of mass, the grape placed in the sugar solution gained 0.55 grams …show more content…

Before the grape placed in the tap water was put in the tap water, the grape was very ovate, had a small dent on the side, and was soft on one end. After the grape was placed in the tap water and taken out, the grape was still ovate, but a little more plump. The grape also was still soft on one end, however the grape no longer had a dent on the side. When, osmosis occurred in the grape placed in the tap water, the water passing through the skin of the grape, acting similarly to the cell membrane of a cell, plumped the grape, pushing up the sunken skin causing the dent, therefore causing there to no longer be a dent in the grape. All four of the solutions in the experiment were hypotonic. The solutions’ hypotonicity was supported by the data showing how all four of the grapes in the different solutions gained mass because some of the water in the solutions diffused into the grapes. None of the four solutions were shown to be hypertonic by the data because none of the grapes lost mass throughout the

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