
Distinctively Visual Descriptive Writing

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Sitting listlessly at the back of the bus, a rock flies inside from the window and nearly passes my eye. We have been going so fast that sand particles and rocks are being thrown into the bus by the wind. I look outside only to look at the red rocks and sand of the soil that of which made up the road. There are only one or two gum trees on a slope in the distance, which are at a standstill like lifeless soldiers.
“Are we there yet?” Someone from behind me asks the teacher. The teacher ignores the comment thinking that that would put a stop to it but instead for a solid five minutes they keep ask non-stop. Finally, the teacher responds to them with a stern yet aggravated voice, “We will get there when we get there but for now BE QUIET.”
The …show more content…

We sit in the bus for a while for the bus driver to come back and to tell us what had happened and why we stopped. To pass my time, I stare out in the window and distract myself. For once I can concentrate. I notice the bright blue sky that hangs over the emptiness of the bare open flatness which stretches out, over the horizon. Its rugged beauty is like looking at a child’s painting where at first glance, it’s nothing more than lines and colours but when you pay close attention you can see its beauty described through the imagination of the artist. On the wide-spread landscape, you can see the animals roaming about almost like their trying to escape the harsh and unforgiving sun.
The driver comes back. He tries to explain that a part of the bus is broken down due to nearly collapsing into the tree.
One of the students suggests to push the bus or to walk all the way to Bourke, but the driver disagreed and said that the wouldn’t even be able to make it halfway with the scorching sun glaring down at us.
For a moment, everyone is trying to come up with a solution to get us out of here. I propose the idea to communicate with another bus driver nearby, to the teacher. She then goes to tell the

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