
Diverse Nature Requires a Corresponding Diverse Environment

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Just by the sound of it, it seems so easy to understand that a population that is of diverse nature definitely requires a corresponding diverse environment upon which it can thrive and succeed. This philosophy rules out the whole idea as to why architects are continuing to come up with one size fits all design environments. The question is as to whether their main intention is to create and or trying to ensure equality. But as already set, the society is composed of a diverse population, which is a reason enough as to why diverse architectural designs are important for the masses. Critics may attribute this trend to the notion that methods of construction as well as the costs associated with diverse designs, alongside the respective site restrictions tend to make the diverse environment to become infeasible both economically as well as physically. On the contrary in this view, this way of thinking only makes it difficult for the designers to understand the manner in which the diverse populations are affected by the buildings. It is with this regard that throughout the historical variation that has been continuously posed by the significantly philosophical problem by those seeking the objective truths concerning designs with respect to the entire aspect of life in general. Looking at Plato’s philosophy on design, he tried to prioritize as well as bring to the understanding, the objective truths, depending on what he found to be the relative as well as his subjective

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