
Diversity And Equality : Equality, Equality And Discrimination

Satisfactory Essays

Equality means making sure everyone is having equal opportunities and not being discriminated against because of their ability, background or lifestyle.
Diversity means different and identifying peoples differences and understanding the unique nature of them by applying value to each and every difference.
Human Rights are rights that every humans have since birth and every person have equal human rights no matter of their ethnicity, religious beliefs or gender
Stereotyping is having an opinion on a group of people who are different to you based on your own opinion or someone else's
Direct discrimination is when you are treated differently to someone else for a certain reason
Indirect discrimination is when there is a policy in place which applies to all but has a worse effect on some people
Prejudice mean an unfair opinion or feeling that is done without thought or knowledge
Racism is when someone feels their race is superior to another so acts in a disrespectable manor by being discriminating or prejudice.
Sexism is when typically women are being discriminated against based on their sex.
Homophobia is about the dislike of someone or prejudice against them just because they are homosexual. This is typically against gay mean and it is generally and unreasonable dislike, some people describe it as a fear of homosexual people.
Homophobia is about the dislike of someone or prejudice against them just because they are homosexual. This is typically against gay

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