
Diversity In Advertising

Decent Essays

Question 1: This article reflects on the issue whether advertising should reflect attitudes in society or does advertising lead cultural change? The article examines the growing demand for diversity in how families are portrayed in advertising. 1. Did you like the Tylenol ad? Why or why not? The Tylenol ad is a perfect demonstration of what families in today’s society are lie. It illustrates gay/lesbian, single parent, stay at home dads, and biracial families. Tylenol sends a message that they are pro everything. This video intends to celebrate the diversity of modern families. The meaning of family is everything, and Tylenol makes it clear that every family is different. The ad features all sorts of different families we are exposed to nowadays …show more content…

Being a marketing student myself I knowing what it takes and to do to grab your audiences attention in order to pull them towards buying your products. The make up of families in today’s society has greatly changed therefor so have the ads targeted to them, not necessarily being authentic. As hypocritical and fake as it may sound, these ads are commonly seen and consumers worldwide are aware of them. In my opinion, it is completely wrong and unethical but it is also how businesses today function. They tell consumers what they want to hear in order to get the response they are looking for, and this is all because savvy advertisers have gotten incredibly good at their …show more content…

It states that “the idea of using “shame and anxiety” to sell products is a “dead paradigm”. In society today the significance and impact of ads is increased by fear therefor marketers focus on fear appeals to motivate and get people to respond. Being humiliated is one of the things we as humans fear the most and so would do anything to keep it from happening. “With so many subconscious fears plaguing us, it’s unsurprising that studies find people “better remember and more frequently recall ads that portray fear than they do warm or upbeat ads or ads with no emotional content. We are the products of a culture that teaches us to fear an endless list of things that advertisers can, and absolutely do, use against us. The oft-repeated phrase that sex sells turns out to be wrong after a little scientific investigation. Sex just gets your attention. Fear actually moves units.

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