
Diversity Essay

Decent Essays

Encounters between people of different cultural backgrounds have existed forever.People have always thought bout things that were unusual in other cultures. But, those encounters were relatively slim in early days today, they are almost part of everyday life, At the same time, the interchange between cultures has jeopardized their very existence, and the emergence of a diverse culture, a fixation often referred to as globalization..

Primarily, what makes cultures different from each other is it looks at the process of what an individual goes through in an intercultural races, and how it adapts to culture changes in its environment.The individual learns its culture from its environment more then from its family, or from its social …show more content…

At the end of the twentieth century the post-modern culture order, and the economic order have given lift , in the united states in particular, to a new form of identity. A global identity.

Particularly the Northern states celebrate the transnational feeling, and the globalization of their citizens. Hispanic students speak English well enough to have a conversation,they can also do that with Spanish. Alot of cultures do well in exchange programs. Ariel washing powder, Gillette razors and Mars candy bars have entered supermarkets, giving the world the best a man can get. The globalaztion has not stoppedwith the Big Mac, the globalization is in all our fridges and stores.

We are connected and, most importantly, reconize we are growing together..But even with all of this, we are not the same. Somehow some people still refuse to become the world citizen that is so often proclaimed. Somehow the blacks are still Blacks, and the hispanics still hispanic. even though the globlization is taking place. That can not be denied. And with the globalization comes an influence on the national cultures. The world is connected, the flow of information has very limited borders, so has the flow of people and influences. What was before the colonization, and the influence on the local culture, that is taking place now on a larger, faster and more bigger scale. It reaches not only a certain class, it reaches far into the society, every society.

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