
Dna Synthesis Lab Report

Decent Essays

The Alu elements are the most abundant in the human genome and are present in more than one million copies. They belong to the Short Interspersed Nuclear Elements family of repetitive elements (Hasler and Strub). The presence of the Alu elements had a great influence on the evolution of the human genome. The Alu elements can also lead to both duplications and deletions of DNA segments and provide new regulatory elements to neighboring genes (Hasler and Strub). From this lab, I am trying to find my allele genotype for the Alu gene, and to determine whether the Alu gene is heterozygous, homozygous, or neither.

Description of methods used DNA extraction is the removal of deoxyribonucleic acid from the cells or viruses. The extraction of DNA is an early step in diagnostic processes used to detect bacteria and viruses in …show more content…

I added 1 g of the agarose powder to 100 ml of TAE buffer in an Erlenmeyer flask. Using a magnetic stir bar, the agarose is heated until it is a completely clear solution. The agarose is poured into the chamber to make wells deep enough to hold 30 µl of solution. I inserted the comb in the chamber and waited for the gel to harden. To prepare for the samples, 10 µl of the XC loading buffer was added into the PCR tube. The professor demonstrated the techniques to load the gel with the DNA samples. After learning the techniques, I added my PCR sample in one the the wells. To run the gel, the power supply was set to 100V for approximately 30 minutes. To stain the gel, the gel was removed from the electrophoresis chamber and was placed into the FastBlast staining tray. The gel was placed in the staining tray for 2 minutes. Then the gel was rinsed for 10 seconds in Wash Tray 1. After rinsing for 10 seconds, the gel was washed for 5 minutes in Wash Tray 2. After agitating the gel for every minute in Wash Tray 2, the gel was washed for another 5 minutes in Wash Tray

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