
"Do Real Men Drink Diet Coke?"

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The Coca-Cola Company knows it has to be creative if it’s going to sell more soda after sales dropped two years in a row in 2005 and 2006. In attempt to appeal consumers concerned with nutrition, Coke introduces Diet Coke Plus in 2007, a sweater version Diet Coke fortified with Vitamins and minerals. Other products like Cola Zero, Coca-Cola Blak, Full Throttle Blue Demon and Diet Cola.

Coca-Cola is now investing more money to Cola Zero than any other brand is size, hoping it will someday be megabrand for the company alongside Coca-Cola Classic and Diet Coke.


Describe the specific type of customer that the Coca-Cola Company is targeting with each …show more content…

Coke Zero been introduced to sell a low calorie cola to men without using the word “diet”. Younger men interested in no calories beverages. They now care about their health and weight.

Coca-Cola products that will lose customers to Coke Zero are Diet Coke Plus. As we know Diet Coke Plus is a sweeter version of Diet Coke fortified with vitamins and minerals. Customer especially men will change their soft drinks from Diet Coke Plus to Coke Zero.


Why do you think that the hidden-camera videos used to promote Coke Zero were an effective way to reach its target market?

I think that the hidden-camera videos used to promote Coke Zero were an effective way to reach its target market. Customers or target market will feel that advertisement is real although it just a gimmick. Now day, people always open website like YouTube.Com especially younger men. This promotion will attract them to buy and try Coke Zero because that website is a strategically place to make an advertisement.

Do you think a similar strategy with a viral marketing campaign on the Internet would appeal to the target market for Diet Coke Plus?

In my point of view, a similar strategy with a viral marketing campaign on the Internet would appeal to the target market for Diet Coke Plus. But it must be done different with Coke Zero. It also must be done in a new version and the message about the product must be clear. If not, customer will feel that campaign same and

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