
Does Your Digital Marketing Blueprint Have The Power Influence On The Business Landscape? Essay

Better Essays

Does Your Digital Marketing Blueprint Have the Power to Impact the Business Landscape?
By Logan Nathan | Submitted On October 20, 2014

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Expert Author Logan Nathan
When clients approach me to help them design and implement a digital marketing strategy, one of the first things I notice very often is that they find it very challenging to go about creating a digital marketing blueprint in this age where new media are sprouting at an astonishing pace.


Social media has now taken over from traditional search. Why has this happened? Let me explain. In today 's market, people are exposed to more and more scams and are wary of being ripped off. TRUST is the new currency of the market. Product and service reviews on social media are generally unbiased and more people are relying on these, rather than testimonials on a business website, which always present a rosy picture. So that 's where your prospects go first.

A survey done by Hubspot among 3,300 participants from 128 countries including Australia revealed conversion rates for leads through social media are 13% higher than the average conversion rate using traditional media and double that of

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