
Dog Rehabilitation

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If dogs are man's best friend, you're undoubtedly going to want yours as close to you as possible during your drug rehabilitation process. Thankfully, many centers are now welcoming the presence of dogs and understand the health benefits of their presence.
Rehabilitation Benefits of a Dog Pets, and dogs in particular, have been shown to offer people real physical, mental, and emotional health benefits. Many of these benefits will be particularly crucial to someone who is suffering from drug addiction, as they can bring a sense of stability and love into the life of someone who may feel like they lack both. First of all, petting a dog is a physically stimulating activity that promote better blood flow and brings a sense of peace and calm …show more content…

No matter how you behave towards your dog, they will love you for it. They won't feel any shame about your addiction or won't give you moral lectures about rehabilitation: they simply love you, regardless of all that. A friend like that can be crucial during the touch-and-go moments in rehab, such as the difficult period of detoxification and withdrawal, as well as during potentially emotionally penetrating psychological examinations. People bearing their hearts during these moments can feel emotionally and physically drained and may want to turn back to their drug for support. However, a friendly puppy smile and a wagging tail can help alleviate difficult emotional …show more content…

This may be incredibly frustrating for a person recovering from addiction, but it makes a lot of sense from their perspective. Some centers are simply unprepared to deal with dogs, either because they are too small, or lack the faculty to deal with the potential difficulties. After all, during your rehabilitation treatments, someone will have to watch your pup. Other centers are more concerned about a domino effect starting when one dog owner brings their pet: soon, everyone will want to bring a dog. And then they may have over a dozen dogs roaming the halls, competing for attention, and raising a ruckus. Whatever their reasons, there isn't much you can do about it: you have to follow their guidelines and rules while attending.
What to Do When They Won't Allow Dogs If you find yourself forced to attend a rehabilitation center that won't allow your dog to attend, you need to take steps to ensure it is cared for and safe for the duration of your treatment. After all, your dog simply can't be left alone for a treatment stay of 30 days, let alone 90. Thankfully, there are several dog care options available for your to utilize:
Friends and family members that you can trust
Dog kennels

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