
Donald Trump Speech Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Before I read these three passages on Mr. Trump, I had to make sure that I had a clear mind and wasn't going to be biased while reading. The way that one looks at our president is determined completely on what side they are on. If one doesn't agree with what Trump has said in the past, then there is no way that they aren't going to biased towards him. Now, if one is still undecided, then it is going to be very easy for them to understand where Trump is coming from and understand him. Mr. Donald Trump gave this inaugural speech on the day of January 20, 2017. The main idea of the inauguration speech is to inform his people of the plans that he has during his presidency. The speech is one that every president must give when he/she is elected as the president. Therefore, the central idea of the speech varies from person to person but has the same concept throughout them all. The way that the speech is structured varies from president to president but is usually structured very similar to the main idea being either repeated or emphasized many times throughout the speech. While looking at Trump's inauguration speech, he used his most famous catchphrase "Make America Great Again" many different times. His main intention with using this was that his main plan for the US is to fix all the bad things that Obama and other previous presidents caused. My overall opinion of his speech is still undecided completely. Some of the things that he said I agree with while other I am

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