Donald Trump’s Inaugural Speech In the article, “Donald Trump’s Inaugural Address Was Great”, the author, James Poulos, states that Trump delivered a magnificent inaugural speech. Trump even echoed Bill Clinton’s promise about how no matter what is wrong with America, it can be fixed. Poulos also agreed with Trump about putting the people and our country first. For example, Poulos states, “For Trump, "America first" is once again not a principle of vanity or greed, but of grim necessity.” He also suggests that the people of America can never withdraw from the world in reaction. The character of America colors the character of the entire world, more than any other country. Poulos mentions that the first step to making America great again is
The Second Inaugural Address given by former President Abraham Lincoln shocked his audience. He wrote this speech a month before the Civil War ended. Abraham Lincoln uses rhetorical strategies such as appeals to ethics, sophisticated language, and medium to long sentences to express his vision for the future of the nation.
On January 20,1961, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was inaugurated into office. According to many, like Representative Charles Buckley of New York, this was the most outstanding inauguration in history. Within the three documents: Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961 by John F. Kennedy, Inside Kennedy’s Inauguration, 50 Years On by Eleanor Clift, and Inauguration of John F. Kennedy by the United States Army Signal Corps, they show that day in diverse ways, but all hold a significant meaning. The styles of the three documents are widely contrasting. The contrast comes from the deviation in purpose, tone, and the effect that each gives to President Kennedy’s legacy.
America, along with its commitments, needs to “stand behind [its] word, and make sure [that the] word stands up” (Trump 138). This means that we need to take back control and never step back. Compromises should be kept to a minimum, and strong leaders need to take control in Washington (Trump 139). These leaders can be attracted by creating an exciting atmosphere for them to work in, as opposed to a failing government which only a bare minimum of Americans have the heart to try to fix (Trump 140). America needs to increase its power, successfully, military-wise (Trump 137) and financially. This will allow the country to start winning all the time by continually starting at the top of every race, and will force other countries to see it as a serious and strong national
Both skilled orators, King Jr. and Roosevelt, successfully persuade readers using rhetorical devices such as repetition and metaphors. Roosevelt’s “The First Inaugural Address” was written to assure citizens that he would do everything in his power to fix the emergency of the Great Depression. In his speech he uses repetition and metaphors to help get his point across to readers. When discussing the problems that citizens are facing he states, “Yet our distress comes from no failure of substance. We are stricken by no plague of locusts.
The author’s message was to inform the reader about Franklin D. Roosevelt first inaugural address, given on March 3, 1933. Franklin’s referred to the government and how they should get into action to put the “national house in order”. He suggested that this information would balance income of the devastation of the stock market crash of 1929, he was trying to convince America to not be fearful of the economic crisis and to fight the battle. President Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to calm many Americans down who were terrified of this horrible catastrophe and would pass to address the national economic emergency. The message is explicit because it gives valuable reasoning of the President Roosevelt actions towards helping America at its worst
The last lecture by Michael Himes was quite inspiring and so thought provoking I felt the need to watch it more than once. I strongly and unequivocally believe this lecture perfectly tied up all we have learned so far in Christian Ethics. The rezoning theme throughout the speech was to live outward instead of inward. This is best exemplified by one part in the lecture where he stated: “that by living outward we can live on forever”. In addition, he requests that we and future generations attempt not to fit our experience with tradition, but be willing to shatter tradition. After all, tradition has been shaped by people and communities just like us. I can honestly say that both my Christian Ethics and the way Michael Himes was able to
I am just a simple man from the south, trying to live an honest life. But it is difficult when the people up North are making everything in favor for them. They think that because they are above us they can control us, when we are under a “Constitution” that is supposed to make everything fair for us all. Let me tell you one thing, we are not the kind of folks to just lay still and let people walk over us because they come up with a piece of paper saying that they voted and decided that they can do this and that. Well we finally wised up and caught up with their acts and antics. We created our own piece of paper that says what we do is okay.
Donald Trump, a once controversial political candidate, gave his 2017 Inaugural address on January 20th, 2017 when he was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States. Through appeals such as syntax and diction, religion and patriotism, and logic, Donald Trump was able to generate a unifying speech toward his audience. Amidst the growing violence and repercussions of the 2016 election, Donald Trump, in his 2017 Inaugural address, sends the message that he will put America and its citizens first to unite the country and change America for the better.
In Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural address, he mentions that “the better angels of our nature” will soon become prominent again within the Union. The better angels of our nature can be better understood by describing the “angels” as the morals and redeeming qualities that make people human. These “angels” include empathy, compassion, hope, joy, love, and the desire to strive for more. In Christianity, these “angels” could also be related the fruits of the spirit; the characteristics that come from the idea that humans are made in God’s image. These “angels” are what Lincoln hoped for in 1861, and what America today can use to find hope in a sin infested world. The election of 2016 of President-Elect Donald Trump has stirred up emotions on all spectrums of the political scale. People are overjoyed and depressed over the results, and the reasons very from foreign policy to reproductive rights. Some would argue that the results have led them to believe that there is no hope left in this country, while others would argue that President-Elect Trump will bring about the new hope the country has been searching for over the past 8 years. No matter how right or left people may lean politically, there are some signs in the United States of America that hope is still alive and well; there might just have to be some sifting through limitations to be able to see this hope.
Donald Trump recently gave a speech discussing rising Radical Islamic Terrorism, immigration from the Middle East, and a need for a rise in national security while Manchester, New Hampshire on June 13th 2016. He centers his whole speech around discussing how bad a President his opponent, Hillary Clinton, would be in difficult times. Trump graduated from the Wharton School of Finance in 1968 with a bachelor 's degree in economics, and has become a very successful businessman. He’s the Republican nominee for this upcoming presidential election, and is a very controversial candidate and person. He has come under fire for many of his views that he discusses in his June 13th speech. While Trump does make some agreeably points, he renders his speech ineffective because of his heavy reliance on Clinton’s opinion to form his own. If Trump were to become President, his stance on important issues would need to be reached with careful consideration, and not just based on doing the opposite of his opponents.
Inauguration day marks a new beginning. Every four years, Americans officially welcome a new president. Each president has to address the plans, goals and ideas for the future. Therefore, the inaugural speech is meant to be an emotional and hopeful ceremony for all Americans. The inaugural speech sets the tone for the president’s first weeks in the white house. Ideally this speech will encourage those who voted to believe and trust that the right leader is in the office. On January 20, 2017 Donald Trump gave his inaugural speech and through the use of hyperboles, repetitions, and metaphors he aimed to unify the nation and give hope for the future.
On January 20, 2009, President Obama was officially inaugurated and sworn in as the forty-fourth president of the United States of America. The tradition of being inaugurated requires the president to give a speech about the goals they want to reach during their presidency. The president must make a speech that appeals to the audience while being professional. Rhetoric is a useful strategy to utilize in speech making. Obama uses rhetoric to achieve presenting his message of creating hope and change together in America while fixing the economic and social challenges and issues left behind from the previous president. Barack Obama uses syntax, the rhetorical triangle, and diction to portray his message.
The theme of this speech is action and unity. Trump states that the world faces a large variety of issues, such as terrorism and rogue dictators. He states the importance of an organization like the United Nations. He emphasizes just how important and powerful a strong coalition among independent nations can be. He also stresses the idea that these nations must join together in order to solve the issues of today. If they don’t act now, nobody will in the future. It is best to confront these issues head on as soon as possible.
The purpose of George Bush’s speech is to justify his future military actions and to unite the Americans by appealing to their emotions. Bush used a variety of emotive language and stylistic devices to express his concern over the incident for the audience.
As any American may know, when a candidate for the presidency has become newly elected, they must give a speech as they are inaugurated into office. On January 20, 2017, President Donald J. Trump took office with open arms as he became the forty-fifth president of the United States of America. The inaugural speech he recited that day echoed within the minds of millions of Americans and people worldwide.