
Donald Trump's 100-Day Plan

Decent Essays

Revisiting Trump’s 100-day plan and his pledge to the American voter. Has he kept his promises? President Donald Trump promised the American voters a “100-day action plan, which he stated would “Make America Great Again.”
During the final stretch of Trump’s campaign, a 100-day plan was introduced by then-candidate Donald Trump. The vow to the American voter, highlighted policies that Trump proposed and pursued through both legislative and executive action. Taking a walk back to the campaign trail, echoes of Trump, stating that he would “Make America Great Again,” would become his proverbial platform of hope, upon which he built his promises. Standing before a large crowd in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on October 22, 2016, Trump told the crowd …show more content…

His contention was that the plan was a ridiculous standard. Perhaps his objective in minimizing his own action plan, was to reduce the scrutiny and backlash because of the promises that he and his administration could not fully deliver. Trump stated in his interview with the Associated Press, “Somebody that he wasn’t aware of, put out the concept of a 100-day plan,” despite then-candidate Trump initially proposing the 100-day action plan. He further stated that the plan was not very meaningful, but rather, an artificial …show more content…

It is also the American sentiment and tradition to measure how well a new presidential administration is performing. With any administration, setbacks and victories will exist. Trump has been greeted with a number of highs and lows, specifically when faced with the harsh reality, with respect to repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, which he adamantly refers to as “Obamacare.”
In an interview with Reuters on April 30, 2017, President Donald discussed his first 100 days in office, often reflecting upon his life before the White House. He was quoting as stating, “I loved my previous life. I had so many things going,” Trump told Reuters in an interview. “This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”
Trump’s persona doesn’t seem to have drastically changed from day one of entering the office, to the 100-day milestone. He brings to the office a business man, wheeler-dealer executive style, accustomed to calling his own shots. He is now faced with abiding by the Constitution, working with Congress, and building relationships with both sides of the aisle, to do what he has promised, and what he can ultimately

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