
Dr Narda Executive Summary

Satisfactory Essays

The purpose of this memo is to inform you of Dr. Narda Quigley’s Management Career Paths presentation that occurred on October 16th. Dr. Narda, the chair of the department, gave a brief overview of what the core requirements are to receive a management major at Villanova. Next, she went into detail about the department’s Management Consulting Concentration and the Management & Entrepreneurship program. She closed with some examples of Villanova alumni who are working in the business world with a Management major.
Villanova has decided to create this Management consulting concentration as a response to the increasing interest among current and past VSB students. Employers are looking to hire students that are capable of immediately solving problems and this concentration helps students develop the ability to understand the complex issues they will face. The required classes for this concentration are as follows: …show more content…

A clear example of this is the change of requiring Innovation and Design Practicum instead of Data Mining. The department hopes to continue to grow this focus into a major part of the Management major program and possibly one day be its own

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