
Dr. Stanley Milgram: The Man Who Shocked The World

Decent Essays

The Man Who Shocked the World Dr. Stanley Milgram, a 28-year-old graduate from Harvard in social psychology. Milgram conducted an experiment focusing on the conflict between obedience to authority and personal conscience. Milgram experiment was based on the killings in World War II of the Nazi’s by Germans. To perform this experiment Milgram ran ads in the newspaper, offering $4.00 for 1 hour of an individual time and an extra .50 for carfare if they participated. No high school students or college students were allowed to participate. No experience necessary and the age group range from the age of 20 years old to 50 years old. With this experiment, Milgram used some of his confederates as learners and participants as the teacher. Not knowingly, …show more content…

The shocks ranged from 15 volts to 450 volts. However, with instructions, the participant to inflict pain on the learner for every misspelled word. The teacher had informed the participant on what steps were needed before the learner entered the room. (Bethel, 2016) A debate arose concerning the physical separation between the participant and teacher in one room and the learner in another would make it easier for the participant to inflict shocks. Actually, being in separate rooms could easily make a difference because the participant could not visually see the voltage transmitting while the switch was being pulled, therefore listening to the excruciating sounds being made and having only the visibility of the individual face could allow the participant to believe that protocol was being followed. According to (Herrera, 2001) many people that participated in the Milgram obedience study found that they were more prone to being obedient to authority figures than to follow their own intuition. Some individuals are aware of their actions and mentally and emotionally knowingly what they are doing is ethically wrong but chooses to follow protocol

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