
Dr. V 's Entrepreneurial Drive And Passion Essay

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In 1976 Dr Govindappa Venkataswamy (Dr V), a retired Indian ophthalmologist founded The Aravind Eye Clinic bringing about much needed innovative change for the treatment of cataracts in India. Inspiration was sought from watching the processes of others, learning from them, applying the systematic change and the successful of mobilisation of key resources in the most cost-effective manner. Dr V 's entrepreneurial drive and passion have brought huge sustainable social value to communities throughout wealth pyramid (C. K. Prahalad, 2005a)

Situation Analysis

It’s estimated that 50million people globally suffering from blindness with approx. 12million of them living in India where a disparity in scope, continuity and quality exists throughout the different areas and regions which are ‘inadequately’ serviced by the Indian National Healthcare system. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 80% of all global blindness is avoidable through either prevention; control or it can be treated successfully with the surgical removal of cataracts. In 1976 India didn’t have any eye care facilities with the capability to treat the large numbers requiring such care. Current government spending in India is approx. 1.2% of its GDP towards healthcare goods and services, in comparison to 8.3% in the U.S (Divya Rajagopal & Rohini Mohan, 2015) representing a significant existence of the market opportunity for push/pull innovation within the Indian healthcare system. India

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