
Dress Code Autoethnography

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By examining some of my personal stories about being reproved for dress code violations from elementary to high school, the purpose of this autoethnography is to examine how various commonplace public school dress code policies affect young women and their relationships with their bodies. Public dress code policies are often gender-normative and discriminatory to girls because their bodies are being sexualized and critically assessed. While it is often a challenge to evoke certain memories faultlessly, the stories that I did remember helped to better apprehend my experience while I was researching the gender politics of institutional dress codes.
Because this is an experience that I have lived through several times in several different schools, I elected to write an autoethnography as opposed to an ethnography. Autoethnography as a research methodology is a valuable implement because it allows us to reflect on how our lived, embodied experiences are part of larger issues such as sexism in dress codes. I can use my personal memories, however accurate they may be, as a valuable resource to supplement my analysis of sexism in dress code policies. Through critical analysis, I seek to connect my personal experiences of getting in trouble for dress code violations to a broader cultural context.
When I was in public school as a child, I was a bit of an early bloomer; I was quick to mature into my body.
At times this brought me unsolicited attention, even by adults

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