
Are Dress Codes Unfair?

Decent Essays

Are Dress codes Unfair to Girls?

Synopsis: “Are Dresscodes Unfair to Girls” is a podcast episode produced by CBC’s The Current. Its aim was to explore the gender inequality involved in the public school system regarding dress codes through interviews with students, parents, and school administrators. Multiple sides of the debate were argued, showing the complexity of a relatively important issue.
For many elementary and middle school students, the possibility of being dress coded looms as an ever-present threat. Shorts must reach the mid-thigh and be no shorter. Tank top straps must be at least two inches wide. Anything less means the the inevitable trip to the principal’s office in which talk of appropriate clothing choices is thrown about. Though a once accepted reality of public schooling, the traditional values are being challenged. Girls across Canada are questioning the necessity for such rules, as well as the reasons behind dress codes. While they are not without their place, dress codes still hold strong connotations of gender inequality at a time when these values are being strongly challenged.
A common theme in the discussion is that dress coding promotes victim shaming amongst girls. Students in question are made to feel ashamed for questioning the decisions of their teachers. Tallie Doyle, a fourteen year old dress coded for wearing a tank top that showed her bra straps, is a notable example in this regard. After being taken to the principal’s office, Tallie

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