
Dylan Klebold Quotes

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“1 BLEEDING TO DEATH” (64). These four little words were written on the windows of Columbine High School, site of the Columbine Massacre, as a cry for help. The book Columbine by Dave Cullen describes how hundreds of people were trapped inside Columbine High School; tears trickled down the cheeks of American teenagers as the blood of their loved ones spilled onto the floors of their very own school when in fact two of their own were responsible. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were named children of Satan by their very own classmates and the public as a whole when they were no different than any of us. Specifically, Dylan Klebold was a smart, young man with a bright future ahead of him subjected to the pains of an American childhood. Nonetheless, Dylan Klebold was an accomplice to the Columbine Massacre but he was a victim as well who was influenced by the american high school atmosphere, the internet, and his partner Eric Harris to commit acts of sin. There are many cliches about the american high school atmosphere such as bullies and jocks however they are more true than you think and Dylan Klebold was an unfortunate example of this harsh system. For …show more content…

As a result, Dylan would soon be influenced by his straying curiosity and the dangers of social media. The Internet would soon affect Dylan Klebold’s own actions as he would sometimes punctuate his high fives with german phrases like “Heil Hitler” (18) due to his new “interest” in German and Nazi trends. Eventually, the Internet would influence his thought process as well specifically it would force him to want to make a legendary legacy as a upstander and most importantly a killer. To summarize, the Internet became yet another bully to Dylan Klebold not only abusing him but manipulating him as

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