
Dynamic Capabilities Of A Competitive Position Essay

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Teece, Pisano, and Shuen (1997) argued that dynamic capabilities permit firms to reconfigure, create, and integrate internal and external resources capabilities to maintain a strategic performance. The successful of strategic performance is by adequately use the company’s recourses to challenge the rapid changing of business competitive environments. A successful firm adopts dynamic capabilities to enable renew of the operational resources to gain the position of competitive advantages. The dynamic capabilities enhance the business of competitive advantages by enabling the creation and modification of firm’s recourse. By the dynamic capabilities, the firm analysis the external opportunities toward achieving the competitive position. Dynamic capabilities utilized organizational resources to enhance growth and adoption of environmental change (Teece et al., 1997). Some company use dynamic capabilities by modifying the current recourse to match the needs of the business competition. As stated by Lin & Wu (2014) the primary goal of the resource-based approach is on is on leveraging current organizational capabilities for gaining and sustaining competitive advantage. Innovative Home Health Care The King Fahad Medical City (KFMC) is one of the governmental leading hospitals in Saudi Arabia that adopt the strategy of dynamic capabilities. King Fahad Medical City is a specialized hospital that acquires different medical specialties and treats 900 patient per day.

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