
Dysregulation: A Case Study

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Procedures Participants would be provided with a consent for them to participate, and this form would indicate a description of the research. After obtaining the consent form, both caregiver and participants would be informed that the surveys are anonymous. During the completion of the surveys, the participants will be instructed to complete the entire survey with accurate information. In addition, I would inform the participants that they will not be time, and the surveys can be discontinued at any time. Instruments Demographics and control variable. Participants reported sex, age, U. S. citizenship, ethnicity, and educational grade level. Trauma Exposure. Trauma History Checklist (THC) is a self-report and interview used for 13 year olds …show more content…

Then, the measure yields a total difficulty score (Goodman, 1997). The respondent is asked to answer questions pertaining to the child’s behavior. Affect Dysregulation. The Difficulty Emotional Regulation Scale (DERS) is a 36-item self-report for ages 18 through 60. This scale I used to measure multiple aspects of emotion dysregulation. Then, the measure yields a total score and scores on six scales derived through factor analysis that focuses on determining if there are lack of emotions. The respondent is asked to answer questions pertaining to their own emotional state, in which this have the potential to show if there are any changes in the participates emotions (Briere, 1996). Anger, Anxiety, Depression. The Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC) is a 54-item self-report scale for ages 8-16. This scale is used to measure anger, anxiety, depression, and a number of other attitudes and feelings. The respondent is asked questions about having experienced traumatic events, such as physical or sexual abuse, major loss, or natural disasters. (Gratz & Roemer, …show more content…

Due to recruiting participants from a non-probability sample, in which convenience and screened sample were used, this could cause limitations in the sampling technique. Also, due to picking the participants from a local area of the same district is a limitation. Therefore, there would be an anticipation of great risk for threats of the external validity and internal validity. Also the small sample is a limitation. In addition, the self-reported data is a highly anticipated threat to construct validity because it may not provide a valid indicator of attitude of traumatic exposure. However, the sample is still valid to use as long as each participant responded accurately and did now withhold any information pertaining to their feelings after their traumatic experience. There could also be a mono-method bias, which is a single method. Mono-method would be a threat to the construct validity due to the method taken to retrieve the participants, and particularly due to the self-reports that were given. Overall there would be possible threat to the internal and external validity due to there not being a way to control the

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